Part one of "Pregnant At Blair" explores Tamera's life, as she balances school, work, and the needs of her son, Tobias.
People gather at East Silver Spring Elementary school - the school where a 5 year old was physically and verbally assaulted by Montgomery County Police after they were called on him for wandering off of school grounds. Community members and others involved in the protest marched from the school to Downtown Silver Spring to demand justice for the child and hold Montgomery County Police and Schools accountable. This incident occurred back in January of 2020, and the body cam footage was only just released to the public. You can find the list of community demands at
With vaccine rollout increasing, many people eligible to get the Covid-19 vaccine in Montgomery County travel to the White Oak Recreation center - one of the many MoCo vaccination clinics. This is a quick look into the process of getting a vaccine and how a typical vaccination clinic runs.
Silver Spring was once again hit with a wintery mix this past week. The snow that was predicted turned into sleet, covering Silver Spring in a sheet of slush and ice.
Koiner Farm is a small piece of countryside among the urban landscape of downtown Silver Spring. Created in 1979, the one-acre plot now holds a conservation easement and is now permanently protected. Charles Koiner, the original operator of Koiner farm, unfortunately passed away in 2019. CKC farming works to honor his legacy by making Koiner farm an educational experience for all while striving to create more neighborhood farms around the Montgomery and PG County area.
How some Blair Blazers have managed to have a baseball season despite the circumstances.
Community members gathered at Montgomery Blair High School June 5th to participate in a peaceful walk from Blair to Veterans Plaza in honor of George Floyd and the countless others who were victims of police brutality.
As Covid-19 continues to spread throughout the country, we took a look at the once busy tourist sites in DC and how the novel corona virus impacted our nations capitol.
On January 3rd, the girls basketball team played against Northwood, emerging victourious with a 70-35 win.
On September 27th, Blair Blazers faced Paint Branch at the homecoming football game.
Every year Blair hosts an "After Prom", a free activity from 12-4am for juniors and seniors to attend. It is full of prizes, games, and activities for the students to participate in.
Blair's varsity lacrosse team played Northwood on Tuesday, April 9th.
Montgomery Blair High School students, with other students from around Maryland, congregate in Annapolis to rally and lobby for a renewable energy bill.
Volunteers collected at Sligo Creek to pick up trash and litter.
A glimpse into the artistic works at Glenstone Museum’s newly completed expansion
Paint Branch takes on Blair, as the Blazers suffer a tough loss at home.
Students march on Washington for stricter gun control in as a part of the nation-wide event, March for Our Lives
An protester is seen applauding a speaker at Veterans Plaza in Downtown Silver Spring.
Protesters are seen listening to speakers in the reflections of the carved glass panels at Veterans Plaza.
Two children who attend East Silver Spring Elementary School are seen conversing behind their protest signs in Downtown Silver Spring.
Two protesters hold up a large "Protect Brown Children" sign in Veterans Plaza. Protesters gathered in Downtown Silver Spring where there were many speakers who expressed their anger about how this situation was handled and who were advocating for justice for the child involved in the incident and his family.
A child reaches for her mothers hand while holding up a sign that says "I am a Beautiful Brown Child".
A child is seen perched on someones shoulders holding up a sign that says "Protect Black Children".
Two people are seen sitting in the back of the truck that is leading the group of protesters. They play djembe's as protesters chant along.
A community member involved in the rally is seen holding a sign saying "We Believe You".
Protesters walked through the streets of Downtown Silver Spring to bring attention to the incident.
A sign is seen placed against in an unused hallway at the White Oak Rec Center. At this vaccination site, 800 appointments were made by those eligible to get the vaccine. Currently everybody is allowed to complete the registration process. You can pre-register for the vaccine at
A nurse holds up a vial of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Unlike the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, which require a second booster shot, Johnson and Johnson is a single-dose shot that is shown to protect against Covid-19.
After receiving the vaccine, one must wait for 15 minutes to ensure that no allergic reactions occur. Here, a nurse is checking in on a patient who complained of having symptoms directly after receiving the vaccine. According to Johnson and Johnson, general symptoms include "headache, feeling very tired, muscle aches, nausea, fever" and that the likelihood of a severe reaction to the vaccine is "remote".
Daisy Lukos (pictured above) is the immunization nurse manager for Montgomery County. Lukos is an integral part of creating vaccination sites and ensuring the vaccines are distributed efficiently. Her work consists of “creating clinics for all the locations in Montgomery County, working with the different organizations and giving them education on how to vaccinate, giving them the vaccine and instruction on how to manage the vaccine while it's going to different sites.”
As vaccine rollout increases, many eligible community members go to White Oak Recreation Center to get the one of the first doses of Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Here, volunteers stand outside the Rec Center acting as "flow" - greeting and directing people into the building.
A line of snow formed at the edge of the parking garage near Silver Spring Station.
A man shovels away at a small portion of the snow that covered Veterans Plaza.
A lone pedestrian walks through a snow covered street near the Silver Spring Library.
Slush that accumulated on the roads of Downtown Silver Spring was being pushed off the roads by a snow plow.
A metro bus parked on the side of a snowy road near Silver Spring Station. Despite the icy road conditions, metro buses still were operating on a delayed schedule.
Icicles form on the hood of a parked car during the winter storm.
Two girls smile as their father pulls them in a sled down the snowy sidewalks.
A man listens to music while shoveling the sidewalk in Downtown Silver Spring.
A snow plow is seen clearing the slush that accumulated on the roads in Downtown Silver Spring.
COVID-19 has prevented fans from cheering on their favorite teams in person (courtesy of Audrey Haverland)
Online school adds on to the stress of many Blazers. (Photo courtesy of Audrey Haverland)
Schulz decided to stop attending her travel team's indoor batting practices because she wanted to protect herself and her family (courtesy of Audrey Haverland)
Schulz has worked on her physical conditioning as a member of the softball team (courtesy of Audrey Haverland)
Various tools such as a ladder and some wheelbarrows are placed under a tree in the middle of the farm.
The last flowers on a dying sunflower plant are seen with one of Silver Springs many apartment buildings in the background.
One of the cats that live on the farm is seen relaxing in front of the farm stand.
Rows of leeks and lettuce are seen growing on Koiner Farm.
A compost hub is seen in the middle of Koiner Farm with an ever growing pile of plant waste waiting to be incorporated into the next batch of compost.
Intern and Blair senior Anna Fisher-Lopez breaks up the soil in a gardening bed, prepping to cover it up with grass sod.
One of Koiner Farms missions is to educate and inspire a new generation of urban farmers. A small sign is set up, providing information about various pollinators and their benefits.
Koiner Farm sells their freshly harvested produce every Friday from the small produce stand set up on the one-acre plot.
Nick Layke catches a throw in the right field.
Player Evan Hunt leans on the fence while watching the game.
Jacob Warren stands on the pitchers mound, releasing a fastball.
Baseball player Ben Respress is seen standing on first base before doing a few practice throws with another teammate.
A baseball bat is seen leaning on the side of the fence in the Blair Baseball team's dugout.
Coach Zach Dunn examines the line up outside of the baseball field.
After taking a knee in honor of George Floyd and other victims of police brutality, two protesters - drenched from the rain - listen as the organizer says a few words.
Despite a downpour that occurred during the walk, attendees still continued to protest and hold up their signs as they walked to Veterans Plaza.
As protesters take part in the walk, many cars showed support by honking or showing their fist as they pass by.
Protesters hold up signs as they walk down Colesville Road.
Protesters hold up their signs as they walk down Colesville to Veterans Plaza
A police officer bumps elbows with the coordinator of the protest after debriefing the crowd on traffic control.
With Coronavirus numbers still rising, the majority of the protesters at this event were sure to protect themselves and others by wearing a mask - three of these protesters are pictured above standing outside Blair High School with their signs.
A protester holds a sign that says "Change".
A protester rests their sign in between their legs while waiting for the walk to begin.
Protesters sit on the curb of Blair High School before the protest as a group of police officers make their way over to the crowd to debrief everyone on how traffic control will take place.
Quarantine is having a positive effect on the environment right now, but it is unclear what the long term impacts will be (courtesy of Audrey Haverland).
The Washington Monument peeks through the trees in Washington D.C.
A couple walks through the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The once busy memorial now only has a few visitors due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
A duck baths itself in the fountains by the Washington Monument. With travel and stay at home restrictions in place, it almost seems that ducks outnumber the amount of people down by the monuments.
Two kids are seen climbing around the WWII memorial in DC, allowing them to get their climbing energy out somewhere due to the fact that most playgrounds are closed due to Covid-19.
A family is picnicking out on the green by the national monuments.
The National Parks service put up signs around popular tourist sights with guides as how to stay safe while viewing the monuments during this pandemic.
A family placed their bikes near the Reflecting Pool in DC. Despite the stay at home order currently in place, many families and individuals are seen biking and running near the monuments.
An overlook of the Reflecting Pool and Washington Monument in DC show sparse crowds due to the impact Covid-19 has had on traveling and tourism.
Teachers "strongly suggest" that students continue their work during the COVID-19 break (courtesy of Audrey Haverland).
Every Friday morning, Kusmin sets up a table in the SAC with masks and signs for participants to take and wear throughout the day (courtesy of Audrey Haverland)
Junior Abby Kusmin is the organizer and founder of Blair’s silent strike movement (courtesy of Audrey Haverland)
The girls dominated diving, winning first, second, and fourth place in the event. (Photo courtesy of Audrey Haverland)
Senior guard-forward Lucy Martin attempts to shoot.
Transgender high schoolers should feel comfortable playing whichever sports they choose (courtesy of Audrey Haverland).
Freshman guard Amelia Martin pushes past Northwood defenders to get in a position to shoot.
Sophomore Emily Liu dribbles around Northwood defender.
Junior Kate Hildebrant dribbles past Northwood players as she makes her way to the basket.
Junior Peyton Martin jumps up in the air in attempt to to block a Northwood players shot.
Junior Peyton Martin attempts a layup while a Northwood player tries to block her shot.
Senior Zoe Abramson grabs the ball mid-air.
Junior Elise Haverland tries to outreach Northwood player in order to get possession of the ball after a missed shot.
The Blair Poms team shows off their high kicks during their halftime performance.
Blair girls basketball players exchange high fives after a win against Northwood.
Blair basketball players watch the ball in the air after a shot was made.
Chick-Fil-A to stop donations to anti-LGBTQ+ organizations Salvation Army and FCA (courtesy of Audrey Haverland).
The Silver Spring Methodist Church, where Manna's "Chat and Chew" program takes place (courtesy of Audrey Haverland).
Major League Baseball appointed the Atlantic League to test out robotic umpires (courtesy of Audrey Haverland).
Peter Hammond is in charge of dealing with Blair's technological problems (courtesy of Audrey Haverland).
Senior Dede Greenfield makes a run down the sideline (courtesy of Audrey Haverland).
Students participate in a free concert sponsored by Hollister (courtesy of Audrey Haverland).
Senior Jorge Ventura (courtesy of Audrey Haverland).
Players jog off the field when a time out is called.
Blair football players burst through a paper banner at the beginning of the game.
Cheerleader Gwen Sluetten poses mid air.
Players wait in suspense at the line of scrimmage.
Blair cheerleaders do a quick chant before the start of the football game.
Blair students show off their school spirit at the red out homecoming football game.
Blair player acts fast while running towards Paint Branch opponents.
Junior James Mason catches to ball and sprints down the field.
Senior Jonathan Hoang and Junior Chidiebere Oparah race down the field after Blair gets a touchdown.
Blair football players line up before attempting a field goal.
Blair football players gather on the sideline for a mid-game huddle when Blair called a time out.
Senior Jonathan Hoang and junior Chidi Opara run down the field (courtesy of Audrey Haverland).
Freshman Magda Goles tries to make a move around a Gaithersburg defender (courtesy of Audrey Haverland).
Lounge spaces replaced locker rows on the second and third floors.
Administration replaced the gym floor with a new red paint job.
Sophomore Grace Walsh runs to first after bunting the ball.
Nimah Ducey and family walk through the make-shift tunnel as a part of senior night festivities.
A Blair player does a few practices swings before going up to bat.
Senior, Maia Greene Chang, catches the softball in her mitt.
Sophomore, Fiona Harrington, swings the bat, successfully hitting the ball.
Cassia Williams-Rogers, on first base, is ready to sprint to second.
Catcher and Senior, Niamh Ducey, throws the softball to fellow teammate.
Pitcher, Courtney Wyche, gears up before throwing a strong pitch.
Pitcher, Courtney Wyche, and catcher Niamh Ducey use hand signals to communicate with the other players.
Blair player runs to first after hitting the ball.
Senior, Courtney Wyche, pitches the ball to the catcher, Maia Greene Chang.
The softball seniors and family pose for a picture at their final home game.
A Blair and Northwood player collide while trying to get the ball.
One of Blair's lacrosse coaches watches the game from the sidelines.
A Blair defender chases after a Northwood player who has possession of the ball.
A Blair player is confronted by a Northwood defender.
A Blair lacrosse player nears the goal before being chased away from Northwood defenders.
Players were cheering on their teammates from the sidelines as they were up with a four to one lead.
The lacrosse team ends a huddle with a quick cheer before going back on the field.
Tobias laughs
Tobias reaches for a toy
Tobias Reads a Book
Tobias grabs Tamera's glasses
teddy bear
Up in the air
Hugs and kisses
Tobias grabs Tameras glasses
teddy bear
up in the air
hugs and kisses
Tobias plays with a toy phone
changing clothes
Feldman's personal and professional experience has prepared her to take on this new position at the National Gallery.
Kaywin Feldman will become the new director of the National Gallery of Art.
A group of Maryland high schoolers stand together with signs to rally for the Clean Energy Jobs Act.
Kallan Benson is not speaking until a renewable energy bill is passed, or until the session ends.
Sophomore Kanayo Duru talks to a reporter about climate change and why he is out rallying and lobbying.
One student activist creates butterflies out of yarn while sitting outside the Annapolis state house.
The Green Club at Blair traveled up to Annapolis to partake in a youth rally against global warming. One of the activities they did was tying up homemade flowers on a fence in front of the state capital.
Sophomore Maddie Graham is a guest speaker at the rally. She is one of the leading young activists at Blair, organizing many events to get high schoolers involved in the fight against climate change.
Senior Anna Brooks holds up a sign at a rally in Annapolis for Maryland to become a greener state.
Alicia Coleman helps tie up flowers, joining the movement of many other students taking action on climate change.
A pile of trash is seen surrounding the creek. Beer bottles, water bottles, shoes, a sweatshirt and more were found somewhere in the creek during the annual cleanup.
Stuck in between rocks, Styrofoam is seen all around the creek. Many states and cities, including Takoma Park and Montgomery County, have established bans on Styrofoam, in part due to its propensity to infiltrate waterways in the form of microlitter.
Volunteer Tim Haverland, decided to jump right in, literally. He waded in the water to get trash off of the creeks bottom.
Plastic bags are a common sight along the creek, they're caught in trees, scattered around in the water. Volunteers tried to pick up all this trash, trying to make the creek beautiful again.
A volunteer holds up a lost pair of shoes.
Soda cans, beer bottles, Styrofoam, and more are strewn around the creek. Volunteers offered their time to pick up this litter.
A young boy hits the jackpot, finding a sweatshirt caught in the creek.
A group of young children explore the creek with their orange bags, picking up trash along the way.
Many people in the Silver Spring/Takoma Park area headed out to the creek to pick up trash in the area.
Sloe will teach neuroscience in the coming school-year.
A winter wonderland is coming.
Junior Zoe Abramson does not give up when opposing Sherwood player tries to steal the ball. The two feel to the floor, resulting in a jump ball.
#33, Junior Adia Keene, jumps up to put in a basket, getting the Blair Blazers another 2 points.
2 Blair players jump up to grab ahold of the ball after free throw shots. Blair came away successful with the rebound.
Sophomore Kate Hildebrandt runs down the court to save a long pass, before it goes out of bounds.
#23, sophomore Payton Martin fights for the ball against Sherwood player. She held on long enough to get a jump ball for Blair.
Junior Lucy Martin alerts her teammates, letting them know that she is open.
A Paint Branch and Blair player fight for the rebound, Blair coming away successful with the rebound.
#12 breaks through the Paint Branch players, going into up for a shot, and gaining two points for the Blazers!
Blairs Poms teams put on an amazing dance performance during halftime.
Blazer cheerleaders show their school spirit and encourage the basketball team on the sidelines.
#5 is focused on making a basket, while her teammates get ready to grab the rebound
One of the interiors of an Andy Goldsworthy clay house is a seemingly impossible vortex created out of unfired clay.
Michael Heizer's "Compression Line" is one of two pieces by the renowned installation artist visitors can experience at Glenstone.
Visitors pass the main pavilion and a glass barrier overlooking Michael Heizer's "Compression Line."
A bridge leads visitors from the main pavilion to other galleries, as well as the all-sustainable cafe.
Blair students made rice balls as part of an event led by Japanese teacher Yoko Zoll.
Senior Courtney Wyche committed to UMD.
Blazers celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month.
The marching band cheers on the football team as they huddle before the game.
Blair teammates throw their hands in the air, signaling a touchdown.
The Blair marching band supports the football team musically from the sidelines.
Alfred Worrel, #13, rolls into the end zone for a touchdown.
The Poms team puts on a fun half time show!
Medhanit Desta is the only girl on the JV football team but doesn't let that phase her.
Blair, home to a large Hispanic and Latino student body, is one of many schools across MCPS holding special events after the Board of Education approved Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 as Hispanic Heritage Month.
Students cool down in the courtyard Friday, enjoying free shaved ice from Carmens on student appreciation day.
Water Lilies peeked out this week, providing some color after several days of straight rain in Montgomery County.
Flowers are popping up and coloring Silver Spring with the bright buds as the weather continues to warm up!
Upperclassman wear the iconic Nike slash on Nike spirit day.
You know it's spring when you see the white and pink buds of the cherry blossoms fill downtown D.C.
As winter comes to an end and spring starts, the baseball team is out on the field playing against their rival schools.
Passers-by can spot chickens roaming Silver Spring and Takoma Park as warm weather finally arrives in Maryland.
Freshman Elise Haverland holds up her sign to show support for the March for Our Lives and their call for stricter gun control in America.
Freshman Maya Frey poses in the snow after the largest snow fall Maryland has seen this year.
A sign reading "#Never Again" is held up in the air, a common slogan created after the MSD high school shooting.
Freshman Maya Frey holds up her sign that reads "Enough is Enough" at the March for Our Lives protest for more gun control in D.C.
A sign is held up demanding gun reform and stricter gun control, protesters joining together to keep guns out of the streets at the March for Our Lives.
People flood the streets leading to the Capital with signs in hand at the March for Our Lives.
A man holds a sign reading "Mass Shootings Require Guns" while others have written "Don't Shoot" on their hands showing the borrowing of messages of Black Lives Matter protests and the struggle of race representation in the March for Our Lives.
Blair students were some of the thousands that marched to the White House in protest for gun control.
On February 26, students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School traveled up from Florida to Blair to talk to Moco Students about gun control after losing 17 of their peers to a school shooter.
MCPS students gather together in front of the Capital, chanting against the NRA and assault rifles.