Sophia Deng

Name: Sophia Deng
Position: Online Managing Editor
Graduation Year: 2010
Sophia was the Managing Editor of SCO during the 2009-2010 school year. When not laughing or chilling to OWL CITY, Sophia can be found oil painting, playing volleyball, doing sudokus and sprinkling happy fairy dust over everyone. She loves folk/pop/electronica indie, Harry Potter, Burt's Bees and of course, Silver Chips Online. Sophia was a student in the Magnet Program, and will be attending Princeton University in the fall.

Stories (66)

Good night and good luck

By Sophia Deng | June 3, 2010, 11:38 p.m. | In Connections Blog »

As I sit at home, finding myself nostalgic about being pushed and shoved in Blair Boulevard during lunch, I've realized that my feelings about leaving are not clear-cut jubilation, but those of ambivalence and deep sadness.

On the chopping block

By Sophia Deng | May 25, 2010, 4:11 p.m. | In Television »

With spring already upon us, the warm weather will be sure to make our brains fuzzy, turning us toward lazy, TV-filled days. There are a great group of shows worth hitting the couch for, including "Glee" and "Community." But there are just as many programs that will make us wishful for busywork. Silver Chips Online has compiled a list of TV shows that will give us spring fever if network spring-cleaning fails to kick them off the air.

It's déjà vu for the iPad

By Sophia Deng | May 8, 2010, 8:46 p.m. | In Humor »

After the first Apple iPod was released on Oct. 23, 2001, a stream of eerily similar looking species have taken the world by storm. With the recent release of Apple's iPad the world has yet again been dazzled by the magic of Steve Jobs's slick and smooth creation. Although the iPad is one fancy gadget, at the end of the day, don't be that excited - the iPad, alas, is just an iPhone on steroids.

A man-made disaster

By Sophia Deng | May 6, 2010, 1:15 p.m. | In News Blog »

There was Sept. 11 in 2001, Hurricane Katrina in 2005; now the Gulf oil spill will have a place in history as 2010's catastrophe. On April 20, the Deepwater Horizon rig, an offshore platform leased by Transocean for BP, exploded off the coast of Louisiana, killing 11 individuals.

Educational Facilities Officer positions to be cut

By Sophia Deng | May 2, 2010, 11:57 a.m. | In Local »

In his 2011 fiscal budget, Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett (D) proposed police officer reductions as a means to alleviate the $779 million county deficit.

A blossoming D.C.

By Sophia Deng | April 4, 2010, 10 p.m. | In Lifestyle Blog »

Living next to or Metro stations away from the nation's capital has never been so sweet - the National Cherry Blossom Festival is currently in full force, and set to end April 11. With the combination of spring break and beautiful summer-like spring weather, D.C. has been jam packed.


By Sophia Deng | March 30, 2010, 6:03 p.m. | In Humor »

It's the culmination of 18 years. The most important day of a girl's life, according to "Seventeen" magazine. No, it's not a college acceptance and it's not the Jonas Brothers concert.

State grants five-day snow waiver to MCPS

By Sophia Deng | March 19, 2010, 2:41 p.m. | In Local »

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) was granted a five-day snow waiver on March 17 after losing nine days of schooling due to record snowfall in February. If no more emergency days are used, classes will end on June 16 as scheduled, according to an MCPS press release.

A grand night of gold: Oscar predictions 2010

By Sophia Deng, David Tao | March 6, 2010, 3:51 p.m. | In Movies »

With the Academy Awards just days away and twice as many nominations for Best Picture this year, five more producers are busy penning what may be the most important speech of their lives. But we'll only ever hear one of those heart-wrenching speeches filled with introspection and "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

International News for Feb. 15 - 28

By Sophia Deng | March 1, 2010, 5:37 p.m. | In International »

Feb. 16 - The Pakistani military captured Taliban commander Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, a senior member of the Taliban's governing Quetta Council. Barader, a major player in the Afghan Taliban, is second-in-command to Osama bin Laden.

Students fundraise for Haiti

By Sophia Deng | Feb. 19, 2010, 7:44 p.m. | In Local »

The SGA, several clubs and the girls' basketball team are fundraising to support victims of the earthquake that struck Haiti on Jan. 12. Efforts include bake sales, lunchtime contributions, individual fundraising and photo sales.

Golden girl

By Sophia Deng | Feb. 12, 2010, 4:46 p.m. | In Sports Blog »

With the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver just around the corner, the American athletes anticipated to win gold have been elevated to superstar status. There is snowboarder Shaun White, who has made his competitors tremble after he successfully landed a Double McTwist. There is speed skater Apolo Anton Ohno, ice skater Evan Lysacek...But perhaps the most important name is alpine skier Lindsey Vonn, the true heroine of the games, the face of the U.S. in Vancouver.

AI season nine - oh so fine

By Ava Wallace, Sophia Deng | Feb. 9, 2010, 12:14 p.m. | In Television »

It was nine years ago when Kelly Clarkson was dubbed the first "American Idol." Now, almost a decade later, is there still enough of the glamour and talent previous contestants possessed to go around?

A good "bye" to O'Brien

By Sophia Deng | Feb. 4, 2010, 7:48 a.m. | In News Blog »

On Jan. 7, it was official. Conan O'Brien would be kicked out of his 11:35 p.m. timeslot to be replaced by the person he succeeded, Jay Leno. "I'm with CoCo" rallies outside of NBC headquarters abounded in support of the comedian. Tweets of the O'Brien-Leno feud inundated Twitter.

International News for Jan. 18 - 31

By Sophia Deng | Feb. 1, 2010, 9:20 p.m. | In International »

Jan. 19 - Awe-inspiring stories of survival have surfaced following the devastating 7.0 earthquake that hit Haiti Jan. 12. On Jan. 18, an eight-year-old boy and 10-year-old girl were pulled from the debris of a two-story building in Port-au-Prince.

Mission possible

By Sophia Deng | Jan. 16, 2010, 9:13 p.m. | In Op/Ed »

What do Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and first-semester seniors have in common? The college craze.

SCOperation stardom

By Sophia Deng | Jan. 3, 2010, 9:03 p.m. | In Humor »

2010. Finally, we can kick a not-so-fine 2009 out the door to begin anew. But how? Should we make resolutions to exercise more, eat less or improve study skills? Here at Silver Chips Online, we are tired of resolutions left unresolved year after year.

Cruising on Google's Wave

By Sophia Deng | Dec. 16, 2009, 9:27 a.m. | In Connections Blog »

Beginning in September, Google Wave captured the hearts of computer users everywhere when Google issued 100,000 invitations for its new Wave software.

International News for Nov. 30 - Dec. 13

By Sophia Deng | Dec. 14, 2009, 5:59 p.m. | In International »

Dec. 7 - United Nations (UN) officials are holding a two-week conference on climate control in Copenhagen, Denmark to address global warming and environmental sustainability.

O'Neill and Barclay elected BOE president and vice president

By Sophia Deng | Dec. 11, 2009, 12:46 a.m. | In Local »

During a Dec. 8 Board meeting, Patricia B. O'Neill and Christopher Barclay were unanimously elected as president and vice president respectively of the Montgomery County Board of Education (BOE) for next year. They will both serve one term.

Gaga is gold

By Sophia Deng | Dec. 5, 2009, 12:03 a.m. | In Music »

There's no need to put the dancing shoes away - take two, and Gaga is just as good. In Lady Gaga's first album, "The Fame," the pop singer hypnotized the whole world with catchy hits, giving rise to teenagers everywhere belting "Just Dance" and "Papa-paparazzi."

Blair shows "Invisible Children" documentary on Friday

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 21, 2009, midnight | In Local »

On Nov. 20, Invisible Children Inc., a non-profit organization that brings awareness to conflicts in war-torn Northern Uganda, showed the documentary "Go" to Blair students during 5A and 5B lunches. The event was estimated to have a turnout of more than 500 students in each lunch period.

An Ig-Nobel choice

By Sophia Deng | Oct. 21, 2009, midnight | In Op/Ed »

"Wow." That was White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs's email message upon learning that President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. Obama's right-hand man wasn't the only one in shock - the president himself admitted to being "very surprised" and "deeply humbled."

Blair alumnus named MacArthur Fellow

By Sophia Deng | Oct. 1, 2009, midnight | In Features »

To Maneesh Agrawala, it was any other day. Agrawala, Blair class of 1990 graduate, was up early working on a project at his University of California, Berkeley laboratory. While he was working, the telephone rang. Little did he know that this phone call would change his life.

Sarah Palin 1, Levi Johnston 0

By Sophia Deng | Sept. 15, 2009, midnight | In News Blog »

Levi Johnston needs to go back to where he came from - Alaska or obscurity, both are good options. Remember Johnston? He was the boyfriend father of Bristol Palin's baby.

We don't need no education

By Sophia Deng | June 20, 2009, midnight | In Features »

Remember when Jack Black taught a class of students how to rock out to Led Zeppelin in the 2003 Paramount Pictures film "School of Rock?" Black's rock school may have been fabricated, but a real school of rock was the inspiration for the movie's storyline - the Paul Green School of Rock.

National News for May 23 - June 5

By Sophia Deng | June 6, 2009, midnight | In National »

May 25 - Due to rainy weather in Florida, the space shuttle Atlantis landed at Edwards Air Force Base in California instead of its primary landing site at Kennedy Space Center in Orlando, Fla. Atlantis was launched May 11 to repair and replace instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope and is scheduled for another flight in November.

New lunchtime hallway policies implemented

By Sophia Deng | June 2, 2009, midnight | In Local »

Principal Darryl Williams and security personnel implemented restrictions on where Blazers are able to eat during 5A and 5B lunch as of last week. Due to these policies, students are only allowed to eat in the outside courtyards, SAC or Blair Boulevard region in front of the Media Center.

America's loss

By Sophia Deng | May 25, 2009, midnight | In Lifestyle Blog »

When 23-year-old Kris Allen was named the eighth American Idol Wednesday night over 27-year-old Adam Lambert, my jaw dropped to the ground. Stepping closer to the TV in disbelief, I gripped the black box, waiting for Ryan Seacrest to yell "April Fools!"

Boys' volleyball falls in County Championships

By Sophia Deng | May 15, 2009, midnight | In Blair »

After two hours of intense play, the third-seed Blair boys' varsity volleyball team lost to the fourth-seed Richard Montgomery Rockets in three straight sets during the Montgomery County Championships on Thursday night held at Col. Zadok Magruder High School.

Arson and bomb attempts made at Springbrook High School last Tuesday

By Sophia Deng | May 5, 2009, midnight | In Local »

Two Springbrook High School students were arrested on April 28 for conspiring to "harm school staff, students and cause damage to the school building," according to a press release sent out by the Montgomery County Police Department.

Barack Obama: the next FDR?

By Sophia Deng | April 28, 2009, midnight | In Op/Ed »

By passing 12 pieces of New Deal legislation during his first 100 days in office, 32nd President Franklin Delano Roosevelt set a monumental standard for subsequent presidents to follow. Although a president's first 100 days were an insignificant matter before FDR's presidency, this period became a benchmark of political effectiveness after Roosevelt set his golden standard. In fact, 70 years later, the first 100 days are still used as a predictor for the future success of a president's term.

Invisible Children event held on Saturday

By Sophia Deng | April 28, 2009, midnight | In Local »

The global organization Invisible Children held a mass sleep-in on Saturday to raise awareness about child soldiers in Uganda who have been abducted by Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army. Participants from 10 countries and 100 cities participated in the event, according to the Invisible Children website. Locally, approximately 3000 people, including 70 Blazers, rallied at the Reflection Pool in Washington, D.C. to voice their concerns. The D.C. site was able to raise more than $6,000 for Invisible Children from donations alone.

Boys' volleyball tames Bulldogs

By Sophia Deng | April 25, 2009, midnight | In Blair »

Despite the absence of five players, the boys' varsity volleyball team (7-1) was able to send the Churchill Bulldogs (2-7) to the dog pound. The Blazers did not play their best but won in straight sets, 25-18, 25-15 and 25-22.

"Adventureland" worth the ride

By Sophia Deng | April 6, 2009, midnight | In Movies »

First came "Superbad." Now, director Greg Mottola is back with "Adventureland," a comedy that is not as outrageously funny as his previous hit, but certainly more charming and soulful. "Adventureland" is not just mindless comedy. The quirky characters, solid acting and wry yet touching script make the film surpass unoriginal coming-of-age movies.

Throw them out

By Sophia Deng | April 2, 2009, midnight | In Op/Ed »

Pain and stress are etched on students' faces as they lug heavy stacks of books, ranging from English literature to chemistry to art history, around school. It's nearly May, and although April showers will bring May flowers, they also carry something more ominous to high school students around the nation - AP tests.

Warriors slip past Blazers

By Sophia Deng | April 2, 2009, midnight | In Blair »

After two hours of intense play, the boys' varsity volleyball team (3-1) exited the gym following a loss to the Sherwood Warriors (5-0), arguably their toughest opponent of the season. Although the Blazers handily defeated the Warriors in the first two sets, Sherwood walked away victorious by winning the last three. The Blazers' frustration in the last sets, in addition to their inconsistent serving, cost the Blazers a hearty victory against their long-time rival.

Blair volleyball annihilates Rams

By Sophia Deng | March 23, 2009, midnight | In Blair »

In their first match of the season, the boys' varsity volleyball team (1-0) soundly defeated the Rockville Rams in three straight sets (0-1). The Blazers led early across the three sets, showing no mercy to Rockville, the team who beat the boys twice last year, including once in the playoffs. Through consistent serving and hitting, coupled with poor Ram defense, the boys avenged their losses last year through an easy yet fulfilling win.

The art of expression

By Sophia Deng | March 20, 2009, midnight | In Features »

Up until age 16, junior Maddy Ruvolo's parents forbid her to watch TV. Yet after she became ill with Dysautonomia all of last year, Ruvolo replaced her schoolgoing hours with "House" and the classroom with "The Office." As Ruvolo began to spend more and more hours in front of the television, she started to feel guilty about her lack of productivity. That is, until a solution emerged - blogging.

Senior graduation schedule finalized

By Sophia Deng | March 19, 2009, midnight | In Local »

The county Office of School Performance (OSP) approved the senior exam schedule for the Class of 2009 on March 12, according to Assistant Principal Myriam Rogers. Senior exams will be held on May 15 - 22, according to a memo sent by secretary Robin Platsky.

Girls' varsity basketball ousted from playoffs in second round

By Sophia Deng | March 4, 2009, midnight | In Blair »

In their second playoff game of the season, the girls' varsity basketball team (12-12) fell to the two-time regional champion Blake Bengals (17-7) on Tuesday night. Although the Blazers fought until the very end, mistakes and spotty defense plagued them throughout the match, leading to their 77-40 loss.

"Fired Up" goes down in flames

By Sophia Deng | Feb. 23, 2009, 5:11 p.m. | In Movies »

"Two guys. 300 girls. You know what happens." That's the sad premise of director Will Gluck's "Fired Up," a teen comedy that tries too hard to be another "Wedding Crashers." Whereas "Wedding Crashers" was actually funny, "Fired Up" only offers lame jokes and clichés - already seen, already done.

Pro/Con: Dropping the GT label

By Sophia Deng, Julia Wynn | Feb. 17, 2009, 10:50 p.m. | In Op/Ed »

In the 1970s, amid parachute pants and anti-war demonstrations, "Gifted and Talented" (GT) labeling had just been introduced to elementary schools in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) as a tentative and undeveloped idea. Three decades later, 40 percent of MCPS second graders are labeled GT and receive accelerated instruction, according to the Washington Post.

Blazers best Cougars

By Sophia Deng | Feb. 16, 2009, 12:15 a.m. | In Blair »

In a heated contest, the girl's varsity basketball team (9-10) managed to pull out a one-point win against the Quince Orchard Cougars (8-12) Friday night, 58-57. Although the Blazers led throughout most of the game, time management issues in the final seconds of the game almost cost the Lady Blazers their victory.

"AI" take eight: not so great

By Sophia Deng, Anika Manzoor | Feb. 8, 2009, 5:06 p.m. | In Television »

In many cultures, eight is considered a lucky number. In our solar system, eight planets orbit around the sun (but we will never forget Pluto). In an octave, there are eight notes. Considering such, your "American Idol" experts here at Silver Chips Online had high hopes for season eight of "AI," expecting staggering vocal performances and tough competition. But, alas, eight appears to have failed us.

Blazers destroy Colonels, 62-27

By Sophia Deng | Feb. 2, 2009, 7:25 p.m. | In Blair »

Blair's girls' varsity basketball team (7-8) soundly defeated the Magruder Colonels (3-12) Friday night with a spectacular score of 62-27. The Lady Blazers dominated in the first half and maintained their momentum until the very end.

Friending the folks

By Sophia Deng | Jan. 25, 2009, 10:27 a.m. | In Features »

"How many of you have Facebooks?" research teacher John Kaluta asks his class. Too many hands shoot up for him to count. "Better question, how many of you don't have Facebooks?" Kaluta's eyes sweep twice across the room, only to see empty space.

Lady Blazers sneak past Warriors, 57-51

By Sophia Deng | Jan. 16, 2009, midnight | In Blair »

The girl's varsity basketball team (6-5) shot past the Sherwood Warriors (3-8), overcoming a twenty-point deficit at half-time. Weak passing and defense plagued the Lady Blazers in the first half, but they were able to correct their mistakes in the second half and rally back to secure a huge 57-51 comeback win.

Cut Caroline some slack

By Sophia Deng | Jan. 5, 2009, midnight | In News Blog »

Caroline Kennedy may not be the most qualified potential appointee for the vacant New York Senate seat, but she's certainly qualified. Despite the media's harping on her lack of intelligence and expertise, Kennedy's resumé has more substance than most critics are acknowledging.

Lacks a soul, lacks a "Spirit"

By Sophia Deng | Dec. 28, 2008, midnight | In Movies »

From acclaimed director Frank Miller comes "The Spirit" – visually stunning but heartbreakingly disappointing. The jumbled plot, coupled with bad acting and corniness, prevents "The Spirit" from getting the boost needed to propel it to the acclaim of Miller's own "300" and "Sin City."

School Girls Unite to hold Saturday concert in Silver Spring

By Sophia Deng | Dec. 19, 2008, midnight | In Local »

School Girls Unite, a non-profit organization which provides educational opportunities for schoolgirls in Mali, will hold a free winter benefit concert on Saturday, Dec. 20 in Downtown Silver Spring from 4 - 5:30 p.m. The concert will feature Blair musicians, including seniors Jon Kesten and Tori Heller, the Blair Chamber Choir, InToneNation and air-band Action Jackson and the Go-Getters.

The bucket list

By Sophia Deng | Dec. 9, 2008, midnight | In Humor »

Admittedly, we can't all be like Morgan Freeman or Jack Nicholson, and carelessly dispense dough on tattoos and exotic trips to the Great Wonders of the World before we graduate. But there are some pretty wicked Blair traditions to partake in and in-house landmarks to explore before we leave the motherland. Graduation means nothing when Blazers haven't accomplished everything on Silver Chips Online's Super Bucket List for Amazing, Zany, Interesting, Nifty Humans, um...Of Today (S.C.O.S.B.L.A.Z.I.N.H.O.T.).

Cherubic cheesecake

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 28, 2008, midnight | In Desserts »

With the holiday season arriving, how can anyone resist stuffing their faces into the delicious pies, cakes and sweets that accompany the festive times? Well, homemade cheesecake provides the mouth-watering solution for those holiday cravings! With a homemade crust and creamy topping, this expensive-looking cheesecake is sure to impress friends and family. So here's to a traditional homemade cheesecake that will be a delightful gift, desert or even main course for the upcoming holidays.

Cook turns up the heat

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 26, 2008, midnight | In Music »

Recent "American Idol" winner David Cook entrances listeners with his raspy voice on his self-titled first full-length album, released Nov. 18. Striking a balance between soothing pop ballads and rougher rock songs, the guitar-dominated album perfectly showcases the ranging vocals that won Cook "Idol." Although the tunes are predictable, all of Cook's songs, sprinkled with intense guitar solos and lyrical poignancy, capture the essence of what contemporary rock songs - which have become too pop-influenced - should aim to sound like.

Giving thanks

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 25, 2008, midnight | In Lifestyle Blog »

We're frantically counting down the days until no school, but Thanksgiving is more than just "a half a day away." Thanksgiving is a day to ponder the people in our lives. True, after arriving to high school - where it's all work and no play - there's not much time or energy to give thanks to people or fortunes, but maybe we should.

Openness with a capital "O"

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 22, 2008, midnight | In Features »

Tenth grade Communication Arts Program (CAP) journalism teacher Anne Cullen had not expected a response. After watching an episode of "Oprah" during her maternity leave in summer 2008, Cullen was inspired by the daytime queen to apply CAP to the talk show host's O Ambassadors program, an international program that encourages youth to participate in charity. In October, a surprising reply came: CAP sophomores were officially O Ambassadors.

Blair Film Club holds movie auditions

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 15, 2008, midnight | In Local »

The Blair Film Club, sponsored by media teacher Shay Taylor, held casting auditions for two student-produced movies. Blazers were encouraged to audition as extras or main characters for the developing films.

Healthy baked spring rolls

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 6, 2008, midnight | In Entrées »

Although fall brings in beautiful foliage and the excitement of upcoming holidays, the days are starting to become cooler and the winds more brisk. So it's hard not to fantasize about the end of winter and the start of spring – when the weather will be warmer and the sun will shine brightly. What better way is there to feel the nice weather than through spring rolls, a traditional snack from the eastern hemisphere? These warm spring rolls will make any heart melt and yearn for the beautiful spring season. Plus, unlike deep-fried spring rolls, these little numbers are baked and healthy!

Why children's television should be more like "Arthur"

By Sophia Deng | Oct. 25, 2008, midnight | In Lifestyle Blog »

I proudly admit that I am a sixteen-year-old who still watches "Arthur," on PBS weekdays at 5 p.m. The lovable PBS children's television show is incredibly witty and offers valuable insights into life. But "Arthur" doesn't stop there. The new fall season will have an election year theme, informing kids about the presidential and local elections.

George "W." is far from perfect

By Sophia Deng | Oct. 20, 2008, midnight | In Movies »

Objectivity is Oliver Stone's virtue. Surprisingly, Stone, an extreme left-winger, directs a fair recount of the life of President George W. Bush in "W.," a biographical film that provides both insight and depth into a figure we are quick to mock. Despite the balanced portrayal, "W." lacks as much as George Bush does in brain cells. The highly anticipated film disappointedly becomes too sloppy and lengthy for true enjoyment. Although casting and acting are superb, "W." simply fails to deliver.

Takoma Park Middle School students sick at Outdoor Ed

By Sophia Deng | Sept. 24, 2008, midnight | In Local »

Thirty sixth grade Takoma Park Middle School (TPMS) students and adults got sick at the annual Outdoor Education field trip to Summit Lake from Sept. 15 - 17. Twenty-seven students, along with two staff members and one parent chaperone, became ill at the retreat, according to a letter sent home on Sept. 17 by Takoma Park Middle School Principal Renay Johnson.

On your marks, get set, TiVo!

By Sophia Deng, Jeremy Gradwohl, David Zheng | Sept. 22, 2008, midnight | In Television »

After a turbulent and chaotic television season distinguished by countless cancellations, dooming delays and screwed-up story-lines (thank you, writers), the industry has finally moved on with the show. Regrettably, most of our lives are still held up in high school (and not the glamorous "Gossip Girl" kind of place), and many will have to face the delicate dilemma of balancing dreaded homework with fall television premieres: what to do, watch the premiere of "Grey's Anatomy" or write that pesky English paper due the following day? Fortunately for those going back and forth, Silver Chips Online is here with a preview of the fall's hottest television shows - including the essential information on all of last season's cliff-hangers, upcoming guest stars and the confusing plot lines. We'll tell you everything you need to plan out your TV-viewing schedule and premiere parties.

Musical dream comes true for Blair senior

By Sophia Deng | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In Features »

French soldier Adam Carey lies on the floor, face calm, eyes closed and mouth shut. His body is limp and lifeless, around his corpse a battle rages. Suddenly the scene changes, Carey pops opens his eyes and quickly feels his way off the stage.

Blair senior wins gold at international competition

By Sophia Deng | July 27, 2008, midnight | In Local »

Senior Jonathan Gootenberg won a gold medal by placing 21st in the gold division at the 19th annual International Biology Olympiad (IBO), held in Mumbai, India from July 13 to July 20.

Jessell, Margaret

By Sophia Deng | June 30, 2008, midnight | In Teacher Feature »

Margaret Jessell may not be a teenager, but she still plays Truth/Dare, hosts murder-mystery parties and goes to R.E.M. concerts with her friends. A petite woman with piercing blue eyes, Jessell seems solemn and very serious. But in reality, she is the complete opposite. "Oh, I'm mean and uptight," she jokingly describes her personality. Then, cracking up at her joke, Jessell reveals the hidden goofy and outgoing side that her students, children and friends have the privilege to see.

A not-so-incredible "Hulk"

By Sophia Deng | June 16, 2008, midnight | In Movies »

After Ang Lee's flop with 2003's "The Hulk," director Louis Leterrier's "The Incredible Hulk" is back with a vengeance. "The Incredible Hulk" provides a breath of fresh air, and is altogether stronger, faster and more furious than its old self – but still not quite incredible.

Images (16)

Photo: cheesecake 3

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 28, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Pour cheesecake filling on top of the crust.

Photo: cheesecake 1

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 28, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Mix graham cracker crumbs in a blender for the crust.

Photo: cheesecake 6

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 28, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

After letting the cheesecake sit, smoothly spread the topping on the surface.

Photo: cheesecake 7

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 28, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The end result: mouth-watering cheesecake!

Photo: cheesecake 2

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 28, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Mold the crust with your fingers, making sure the crumbs stick closely to the side of the pie plate.

Photo: cheesecake 4

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 28, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The cheesecake is now ready for the oven!

Photo: cheesecake 5

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 28, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blend sour cream, vanilla and sugar for the topping of the cheesecake.

Photo: blair film club

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 15, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Lyndsay Rini, who will play the lead role in "Driving Captain Morgan," reviews the movie's script.

Photo: spring rolls 5

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Fold the sides into the middle, forming an envelope-like shape.

Photo: spring rolls 7

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Place spring rolls into baking container. Bake in the oven, and enjoy!

Photo: spring rolls 1

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Napa cabbage, ground pork and spring roll sheets are the main ingredients for the healthy baked spring rolls.

Photo: spring rolls 4

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Roll the spring roll sheet, including the filling, twice towards the opposite side of the sheet.

Photo: spring rolls 6

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Continue rolling the sheet across.

Photo: spring rolls 3

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Place pork-cabbage filling onto a spring roll sheet.

Photo: spring rolls 2

By Sophia Deng | Nov. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Stir-fry the cabbage with the well-cooked pork in a pan.

Photo: jessell

By Sophia Deng | June 30, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

AP Psychology teacher Margaret Jessell smiles for a picture in her classroom.