Kiera Zitelman

Name: Kiera Zitelman
Position: Online Editor-in-Chief
Graduation Year: 2009
Kiera Zitelman goes by many names and Photo Booth effects. She enjoys being able to drive and representing Kensington. She likes her dog, Sophie, and her human friend of the same name. Kiera owns one-third of a hot dog toaster and one-fourth of a movie poster signed by Kiefer Sutherland, who also shares the first three letters of her name. She shares her birthday with George Clooney and her stellar smile with everyone. Her favorite books are "The Phantom Tollbooth" and "Eloise" (the original one).

Stories (52)

Viva la Slanket!

By Kiera Zitelman | April 25, 2009, midnight | In Lifestyle Blog »

As a member of both the "When I grow up, I'm going to be Liz Lemon…blerg" and "The Slanket is far superior to the Snuggie" Facebook groups, I was obviously ecstatic when my love of Slankets (I own a blue one) united with my favorite TV show, "30 Rock," on Thursday.

Arrests end Silver Spring concert

By Sophie Schwadron, Kiera Zitelman | March 9, 2009, midnight | In Local »

Near the end of a Saturday night concert in Downtown Silver Spring, 16 juveniles and adults were arrested for offenses including assault and disorderly conduct. The concert was sponsored by Mixed Unity, a new youth group involving many Blazers.

snoWatch: March rages in like a lion

By Sophie Schwadron, Kiera Zitelman | March 1, 2009, 9:49 p.m. | In Humor »

A watched pot never boils, right? As soon as we considered our snow day prospects over, winter finally arrives, albeit fashionably late. Since Valentine's Day, we've shed our jackets for our windbreakers, we've again found our place in the Cold Stone line and we've started online window shopping for bathing suits (unless that's just us...). Heck, even spring sports tryouts began on Saturday. But not so fast, summer breeze: the Weather Channel predicts four to eight inches (not to be confused with 48 - that fast-talking meteorologist fooled us too) of snow overnight.

snoWatch: Wintry mixtape

By Sophie Schwadron, Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 27, 2009, 9:40 p.m. | In Humor »

What a way to start the semester! A chance to sleep in after staying up late to check out your new schedules on BILL and talk about how much homework you don't have. We left you all hanging last night (for the record, MCPS had no bold red banner up online, which totally threw us off). Then again, as MCPS students, we should have expected the unexpected.

Send Plaxico packing

By Kiera Zitelman | Nov. 30, 2008, midnight | In Sports Blog »

Whenever I watch a National Football League game - regardless of who is playing - it is a sure bet that I will see at least one NFL-United Way commercial. Without a doubt, sandwiched between a Miller Lite ad and a preview of this week's episode of "Family Guy," a caring football player will be helping some children plant trees, or something equally cute. Every professional sports league does a charity partnership, and I'm all for it. The NFL sends a good message with those commercials. But when a player decides to behave irresponsibly and set a bad example for fans young and old, it's time for league officials to show they mean business.

snoWatch: Winter preview

By Sophie Schwadron, Kiera Zitelman | Nov. 18, 2008, midnight | In Humor »

"Nothing lasts forever," sang Guns 'n Roses, "even cold November rain." True enough. Today - Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2008 - midway through sixth period, the cold November rain that has darkened our moods for days ceased to make way for magic. Across the school, children huddled together against the windows to see it happen. At first, silence and disbelief; then, cheers and ecstasy.

Boy stabbed in fight at Blair

By Kiera Zitelman | Nov. 11, 2008, midnight | In Local »

A fight broke out between a girl and boy, both 16, in a second-floor hallway just after 9 a.m. today, during the passing period between first period and advisory. The girl stabbed the boy, inflicting a non-serious wound, and proceeded to run out of the school. She was arrested shortly afterwards.

Arrest made in murder of Tai Lam

By Kiera Zitelman | Nov. 8, 2008, midnight | In Local »

Around 7 p.m. on Friday, Montgomery County police arrested Hector Mauricio Hernandez, 20, of Takoma Park, for the murder of Blair freshman Tai Lam, according to Lieutenant Robert McCullagh. Detectives obtained a warrant for first degree murder. Hernandez is a member of the MS-13 gang, though police are still investigating whether gang involvement played a role in the shooting. He is being held without bond.

Obama wins presidency

By Kiera Zitelman | Nov. 7, 2008, midnight | In National »

On Tuesday, Senator Barack Obama (D-Ill.) made history as he was elected the 44th president - and first black commander-in-chief - of the United States with 349 electoral votes and 64,246,857 popular votes (53 percent), according to CNN. Obama's opponents, presidential candidate Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) and vice presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin (R-Alaska), received 163 electoral votes and 56,634,776 popular votes (46 percent).

A lukewarm Coldplay

By Kiera Zitelman | Nov. 5, 2008, midnight | In Music »

Coldplay entered the American music scene eight years ago with its debut album "Parachutes." Today, three full-lengths later, the British group stands on top of the world. But Friday night at the Verizon Center, the foursome slogged through a mediocre and uneven 90-minute set on the Viva La Vida tour that disproved Coldplay's reputation as one of the world's most illustrious groups.

Charismatic Catholics

By Sophie Schwadron, Kiera Zitelman | Oct. 22, 2008, midnight | In Plays »

Ah, the boy band - that treasure of the 1990s, lost but not forgotten. We all knew them, we all loved them and virtually every '90s child has some sort of opinion on the 'NSYNC vs. Backstreet Boys debate. "Altar Boyz," an off-broadway musical now playing at Bethesda Theatre, takes a look at the boy band phenomenon through the confession window.

Introducing a new feature

By Sophie Schwadron, Kiera Zitelman | Oct. 8, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

We're proud to announce a new Silver Chips Online feature: blogs. We decided to introduce blogs as a new way for our writers and readers to express themselves. There are some similarities between blogs and articles, but blogs will allow SCO to cover a much wider range of topics with more left open for reader-generated commentary. As we embark on this new frontier, we always welcome feedback at We also encourage commenting, but note that profanity or personal attacks will not be posted. Readers should respect the privacy of commenters, and all opinions can and should be freely discussed.

Rogers loses battle with brain tumor

By Sophie Schwadron, Kiera Zitelman | Aug. 20, 2008, midnight | In Local »

Blair Magnet teacher Leslie "Les" Rogers died on July 24 after a six-year battle with a brain tumor, according to Magnet Coordinator Dennis Heidler. Rogers, a longtime Earth Systems Science teacher, is survived by his wife Linda; together, they formed an active pair in the Blair community.

Allegations raised against Richard Montgomery High School principal

By Kiera Zitelman | May 14, 2008, midnight | In Local »

The Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Board of Education is currently investigating Richard Montgomery High School (RMHS) Principal Moreno Carrasco on a possible violation of the MCPS code of ethics for Carrasco's involvement in a private business. Carrasco has been principal at RMHS since 2003, before which he was principal of Eastern Middle School for seven years.

Boys' lacrosse falls to Springbrook

By Kiera Zitelman | May 8, 2008, midnight | In Blair »

In a rainy playoff match Thursday evening, the boys' lacrosse team ended their season in a close loss to the Springbrook Blue Devils, 2-0. Despite the early exit, the players were pleased with their 8-7 season and hopeful for next year.

Conchords soar on "Flight"

By Kiera Zitelman | May 1, 2008, midnight | In Music »

Flight of the Conchords members Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement call themselves "formerly New Zealand's fourth most popular guitar-based digi-bongo a-capella-rap-funk-comedy duo." Whether or not that is true remains to, and probably never will, be seen. But what is sure from their first full-length album, "Flight of the Conchords," is that the pair is here to stay – not just a fleeting fad briefly popularized with a funny album.

Dirty little secret

By Kiera Zitelman | April 17, 2008, midnight | In Features »

On top of a black and white vertically striped background that resembles prison bars, someone wrote in thick black marker: "He's been in PRISON for two years because of what I did. Nine more to go." Next to a picture of a dog, another person scribbled, "If I had to save ONE person in the world, I would ALWAYS choose HER."

SGR sponsors homeless walk

By Kiera Zitelman | April 12, 2008, midnight | In Local »

Students for Global Responsibility (SGR) sponsored a walk for the homeless Thursday during both lunches on the Blair track. Over 500 students showed up, and the event raised well over $1,000, according to junior SGR member Vanessa Hoy.

"Leatherheads" stumbles and fumbles

By Kiera Zitelman | April 9, 2008, midnight | In Movies »

After his 2005 critical triumph "Good Night and Good Luck," which garnered six Oscar nominations, director George Clooney had a lot to live up to with roles as producer, actor and director in "Leatherheads." Unfortunately, unlike his previous work, "Leatherheads" is a lightweight, instantly forgettable movie that pales in comparison to his previous films.

Hummus a tune

By Sophie Schwadron, Kiera Zitelman | April 3, 2008, midnight | In Sides »

There's a reason why hummus rhymes with "YUMmus." Best served as a pita bread dip, this delectable Middle Eastern staple means "chickpeas" in Arabic, after the main ingredient of the dish. Our version is a simplified side dish with an aftertaste that kicks. And cooking skills? What are those? All this recipe asks for is a food processor and an open mind.

Budget cuts prompt changes for Magnet program

By David Meyer, Kiera Zitelman | March 22, 2008, midnight | In Local »

The Magnet program will lose an unspecified number of positions and some teacher planning periods next year due to MCPS budget cuts, according to Magnet Coordinator Dennis Heidler. The changes have led to an outcry among several Magnet parents and teachers. Parents have been communicating their dissent on a Magnet list serve, and several teachers have expressed their intention to leave the program.

Winter sports awards night highlights successful athletes

By Kiera Zitelman | March 10, 2008, midnight | In Local »

The 2008 Blair winter sports awards ceremony was held tonight in the auditorium. The event recognized 215 winter athletes from seven sports, and several of those were honored with special awards presented by their coaches for athleticism, academic integrity and overall attitude.

Take a ride on my "dreamboat"

By Sophie Schwadron, Kiera Zitelman | March 7, 2008, midnight | In Sides »

Elvis lives – in food form. To celebrate the 52nd anniversary of his very first record release on March 13, 1956, follow this recipe inspired by the music sensation's two famously favorite ingredients – peanut butter and bananas. Wise men say only fools rush in, but there's no other way to enjoy this quick and honorary snack.

1894 adds up to success

By Kiera Zitelman | Feb. 25, 2008, midnight | In Restaurant Reviews »

Kensington's Cafe 1894 does not have a lot to compete with in the small downtown area that otherwise consists of a casual sandwich and bagel shop. It recently opened for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and its limited menu does have a few gems. While it might not be a weekly destination, Cafe 1894 is a pleasant spot offering some imaginative food.

Silver thinks gold

By Alisa Lu, Kiera Zitelman, Brittany Allen | Feb. 20, 2008, midnight | In Entertainment »

It's been a rough year for Hollywood. The writer's strike has skewered most of the year's good television, "Epic Movie," was allowed to enter a public theater and golden god Heath Ledger died tragically in his Manhattan apartment. To generalize, the epics have been slumming, the romantic comedies have been trite and the action has been paltry — what's a cine-freak to think?

Whitman whips Blazers

By Kiera Zitelman | Feb. 9, 2008, midnight | In Blair »

Despite a spirited effort, the Blair community ice hockey team lost to Walt Whitman Friday evening at Wheaton Outdoor Ice Rink by a score of 10-3. The game was the Blazers' last regular season game, though two exhibition games are currently being set up, according to head coach Kevin McCabe.

A decent "Cloverfield"

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 22, 2008, midnight | In Movies »

Some might write off "Cloverfield" as another addition of rubbish to the valueless genre of monster/disaster/science fiction movies. But at a second look, viewers will find a standout film brimming with authenticity and suspense. It's no masterpiece, but "Cloverfield" is entertaining and imaginative.

SGA seeking special education representative

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 18, 2008, midnight | In Local »

The Student Government Association (SGA) and Special Education department are working together to add a special education representative to the SGA cabinet by second semester, according to SGA President Molly Martinez. Martinez said she would appoint the student, after Special Education Resource Teacher Lisa Davisson chooses a representative.

Gaithersburg edges Blair hockey

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 16, 2008, midnight | In Blair »

In an even matchup, the Blair community ice hockey team lost to Gaithersburg 7-6 on Tuesday. The game was tied until the final two minutes, when Gaithersburg scored its seventh goal to capture the game, dropping Blair's record to 1-6.

Germantown too hot for Blair hockey

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 12, 2008, midnight | In Blair »

The Blair Blazers' record dropped to 1-5 after a 6-1 loss to Germantown on Friday. Though the Blazers kept up a good effort throughout the game, they managed only one goal and could not stop the faster, more experienced Germantown team.

Young Democrats sponsor voter registration

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 8, 2008, midnight | In Local »

The Blair Young Democrats club is sponsoring voter registration in the SAC during both lunches today and tomorrow to register Blazers who will turn 18 on or before Nov. 4, the day of the general elections. Registered students will be able to vote in the Maryland primary election on Feb. 12 in accordance with recently passed legislation.

Dennis Kucinich

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 7, 2008, midnight | In National »

Editor's Note: Dennis Kucinich dropped out of the presidential race on Jan. 25.

Bill Richardson

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 7, 2008, midnight | In National »

Editor's Note: Bill Richardson dropped out of the presidential race after the New Hampshire primary on Jan. 10.

Barack Obama

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 7, 2008, midnight | In National »

Political Party: Democratic Current Position: Senator State: Illinois Political Experience: Illinois State Senator, 1997 – 2004; Senator from Illinois, 2004 – present

Mike Gravel

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 7, 2008, midnight | In National »

Political Party: Democratic Current Position: Senator State: Alaska Political Experience: Alaska House of Representatives, 1963 - 1966; Speaker of Alaska House of Representatives, 1965 - 1966; Senator from Alaska, 1969 – 1981; served on Finance, Interior, Environmental and Public Works committees and chaired the Energy, Water Resources, Buildings & Grounds and Environmental Pollution subcommittees

Blazers overwhelm Bengals

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 5, 2008, midnight | In Blair »

The Blair ice hockey team flattened the Blake Bengals on Friday night 10-2, leading for the entire game and dominating both offensively and defensively. The blowout victory marked the first regular season victory for the 1-4 Blazers and saw possibly their best performance of the year. However, after building a sizable lead, the team lost focus in the third period but held on for the win.

State Superintendent's term extended four years

By Kiera Zitelman | Dec. 22, 2007, midnight | In Local »

The members of the Maryland State Board of Education (MSDE) voted on Dec. 11 to extend State Superintendent of Schools Nancy S. Grasmick's term another four years. Despite a warning against the extension from Governor Martin O'Malley and legislative leaders in Annapolis, the board reaffirmed Grasmick by a vote of seven to four, according to board member Rosa Garcia.

Rockets melt Blazers

By Kiera Zitelman | Dec. 18, 2007, midnight | In Blair »

The Blair Blazers community ice hockey team was outranked by the Richard Montgomery Rockets on Tuesday night 6-0, dropping their record to 0-4. A poor mental effort contributed to the loss, marked by lack of puck control and poor passing from the Blazers.

A haven from a hostile world

By Kiera Zitelman | Dec. 3, 2007, midnight | In Op/Ed »

As the 2008 presidential campaign heats up, the candidates are scrambling to come up with positions that please voters. Immigration is a particularly thorny issue, and the candidates are struggling to prove that they are the right ones to deal with the situation. Just last month, Republican candidate Mitt Romney accused fellow candidate Rudolph Giuliani of making New York City a "sanctuary city," or a haven for undocumented workers, according to the Associated Press.

The Swell Season delivers in America

By Kiera Zitelman | Nov. 30, 2007, midnight | In Music »

It's hard to disappoint an audience that already loves the artist even before they perform. But even with an adoring crowd, the Swell Season played an exceptional show of their emotional acoustic masterpieces at Lincoln Theater on Sunday, Nov. 18, in Washington, DC.

Run away from "August Rush"

By Kiera Zitelman | Nov. 20, 2007, midnight | In Movies »

Note to viewers: movie trailers can deceive. The worst movies often have the best trailers. Take, for example, "August Rush." Trailer version: an imaginative, lighthearted drama about an orphaned boy trying to find his parents through music. Actual movie: an awful creation that wastes the talents of some decent actors and focuses its energy on meaningless blather.

D'you know "Juno"?

By Kiera Zitelman | Nov. 18, 2007, midnight | In Movies »

"I'm not sure I'm ready for this" is a frequent response to pregnancy, according to "Pregnancy for Dummies," which Ellen Page read to prepare for her role as a pregnant teenager in "Juno." But a note to those who might write off "Juno" as another tragic tale of a teen mom: it's not. The film is a hilarious comedy from Jason Reitman ("Thank You For Smoking"), and it is not just about pregnancy. "Juno" is a classic-to-be about growing up and the little "bumps" along the way.

Blazers reign over Northwest in first round of playoffs

By Kiera Zitelman | Oct. 28, 2007, midnight | In Blair »

BLAZER STADIUM, Oct. 26 - Despite playing in tough conditions on a soaking-wet field, the Blair girls' varsity soccer team pulled out a 3–0 victory against Northwest in the first round of the Montgomery County playoffs on Thursday, Oct. 25.

From Paraguay, with love

By Kiera Zitelman | Oct. 23, 2007, midnight | In International »

Many teenagers cannot wait to get away from their invasive, nosy and ever-suspicious parents. Gabriela Formento, a Blair junior, is over 4,500 miles away from hers – but not to escape them.

U.S. women's soccer team finishes third in FIFA World Cup

By Kiera Zitelman | Oct. 8, 2007, midnight | In Professional »

The top-ranked U.S. women's national soccer team beat Norway, 4-1, in Beijing, China, on Sept. 30 to come in third place in the 2007 Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) Women's World Cup. In the final, Germany overcame Brazil 2-0.

High school Democrats hold kick-off event

By Kiera Zitelman | Oct. 2, 2007, midnight | In Local »

The Montgomery County High School Democrats (MCHSD) held a kick-off event last Saturday in Rockville to discuss upcoming plans and issues for next year.

The other Montgomery Blair players

By Kiera Zitelman | Oct. 1, 2007, midnight | In Features »

On a backstage door surrounded by electrical cords, screwdrivers and small power tools, a sign reads, "The stage crew does whatever it takes to ensure the success of the production." For stage crew director John Kaluta and his Blair students, this slogan is a way of life.

Blazers silence Wolverines

By Sophie Schwadron, Kiera Zitelman | Sept. 5, 2007, midnight | In Blair »

BLAZER STADIUM, SEPT. 4 – Blair's varsity girls' soccer team triumphed over the Watkins Mill Wolverines 6-0 in their season opener Tuesday night.

Shakespeare's "A Comedy of Errors" to be Blair's winter play

By Kiera Zitelman | Sept. 5, 2007, midnight | In Local »

Blair's 2007 winter play will be Shakespeare's "A Comedy of Errors." Auditions begin next Monday in the auditorium.

Politicians unleashed on the Internet

By Kiera Zitelman | July 16, 2007, midnight | In Op/Ed »

The next presidential election is more than fifteen months away, but the battle is already being fiercely fought in ways unseen in any other election. The new weapons at the candidates' disposal: social network and video sites like YouTube, MySpace and Facebook.

"Ratatouille": compliments to the chef

By Kiera Zitelman | July 2, 2007, midnight | In Movies »

A superb meal pays homage to greats before it, as well as creating daring new innovations that showcase the chef's creativity and skill. "Ratatouille," the latest masterpiece from director Brad Bird ("The Incredibles") and Disney/Pixar, the studio that brought the world "Toy Story," "Finding Nemo" and "Cars," is yet another delectable creation from some of animation's master chefs.

Moose, Kevin

By Kiera Zitelman | June 23, 2007, midnight | In Teacher Feature »

Kevin Moose is rarely seen standing still. His enthusiasm for life and learning is reflected in his rapid-fire speech as he walks the halls with colleagues or engages his students in the classroom.

Images (34)


By Kiera Zitelman | Oct. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »


By Kiera Zitelman | Oct. 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »


By Kiera Zitelman | Oct. 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »


By Kiera Zitelman | Oct. 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »


By Kiera Zitelman | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: postsecret-essay

By Kiera Zitelman | April 17, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

This senior avoided doing a major CAP assignment.

Photo: postsecret-dress

By Kiera Zitelman | April 17, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

An anonymous CAP senior submitted this secret to the CAP yearbook.

Photo: postsecret-mogge

By Kiera Zitelman | April 17, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

AP World History teacher James Mogge lets his students use tape, gluesticks and scissors to put worksheets into their notebooks, but he might find a few pairs missing.

Photo: postsecret-bnc

By Kiera Zitelman | April 17, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Many CAP PostSecrets involve romance in libraries, darkrooms and the television studio.

Photo: hummus 2

By Kiera Zitelman | April 3, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Add olive or canola oil to the chickpeas.

Photo: hummus 5

By Kiera Zitelman | April 3, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The cayenne is the spiciest of the spices.

Photo: hummus 4

By Kiera Zitelman | April 3, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Add the cumin.

Photo: hummus 7

By Kiera Zitelman | April 3, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Hummus is an Arabic word, but it is enjoyed around the world.

Photo: hummus 3

By Kiera Zitelman | April 3, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A half of a lemon should yield about a tablespoon of juice.

Photo: hummus 1

By Kiera Zitelman | April 3, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Open the chickpeas.

Photo: hummus 6

By Kiera Zitelman | April 3, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Hummus is best when eaten with pita bread (and friends).

Photo: 1894-1

By Kiera Zitelman | Feb. 25, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Cafe 1894's picture window looks out onto Armory Avenue in downtown Kensington.

Photo: 1894-2

By Kiera Zitelman | Feb. 25, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Cafe 1894's breakfast and lunch front dining area is a popular morning hangout.

Photo: Vintage Mustang

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Next to the futuristic, luxury Lamborghinis, a vintage Mustang drew attention.

Photo: Ford Mustang

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Several vintage Ford Mustangs were found in the Mustang Display, sponsored by the National Capitol Region Mustang Club.

Photo: Hummer

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Hummer showed off its H2 at a sharp angle.

Photo: Buick Enclave

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Buick Enclave was halved to show its interior space.

Photo: Chevrolet Volt

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Many Blazers attended the annual Washington Auto Show for five days of cool cars and local celebrities.

The Chevrolet Volt, a plug-in hybrid, has a cord extending from behind the left front wheel to charge the car.

Photo: Mini Cooper

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The new Mini Clubman stays true to Mini's racing heritage with a checkerboard pattern in the trunk.

Photo: Jeep Trailhawk

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Next to a giant obstacle course dubbed "Camp Jeep," the Jeep Trailhawk concept drew several onlookers.

Photo: Ducati

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Cars weren't the only vehicles at the Auto Show – Ducati motorcycles were on sale for $15,995.

Photo: Ford Fairlane

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

In the vintage showcase, this flamed Ford Fairlane drew many show attendees.

Photo: Toyota Matrix

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Toyota unveiled the redesigned Matrix prototype, which will debut in March of this year.

Photo: Beetle convertible

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Volkswagen offered its 2009 Beetle Convertible.

Photo: Guess the Mess

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Washington Post sponsored a Guess the Mess contest, in which contestants guessed the make and model of the junked car.

Photo: Fusion

By Kiera Zitelman | Jan. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Ford brought along a fuel cell powered Fusion racecar.


By Kiera Zitelman | Oct. 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Lindsay Brewer leads a discussion with the Young Democrats about what issues to focus on for this year.

Photo: Moose

By Kiera Zitelman | May 19, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Social studies teacher Kevin Moose brings his experiences from around the world into his daily lessons.

Photo: Moose

By Kiera Zitelman | May 19, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »