
Blair alumna moves into "Hillaryland"

By Greg Kohn | Jan. 11, 2008, midnight | In Features »

When 2003 Blair alumna Nora Toiv was in the fifth grade, she got to visit the White House on "take-your-daughter-to-work" day. Her dad, Barry Toiv, who was Deputy Press Secretary during most of the Clinton Administration, took Nora on a special tour through the different-colored rooms and past the security guards to the Oval Office, where he introduced her to the president at his desk.

Ballot basics

By Sophie Schwadron | Jan. 7, 2008, midnight | In Features »

Young people en route to the real world are inheriting a country that faces a number of challenges. Voting is "one of the big steps to taking responsibility for the society you live in," according to State Senator Jamie Raskin, who represents Takoma Park and part of Silver Spring. "Many of the great social movements in American history were led by young people."

What money can't buy

By David Zheng | Jan. 4, 2008, midnight | In Features »

Behind a small counter, a student furiously fills in paperwork as more is passed up. Another student digs through mounds of forms and records information on a deposit log-sheet. Money passes through hands and makes its way securely into a cash box. As the first student completes the paperwork, a teacher in the background gives an approving nod.

Year in Review

By Bryan Huang, Elsi Wu | Jan. 1, 2008, midnight | In Features »

With the minutes ticking down in 2007, SCO takes you through the unforgettable stories that made the year. From Blair's changing of the guard to Hillary's presidential run to the New England Patriots' crack at NFL history, take a walk down memory lane with SCO's collection of Blair-related, national, local, entertainment and sports stories posted this year.

Crossing the finish line

By Alisa Lu | Dec. 30, 2007, midnight | In Features »

Senior Javier Vaca spotted the imposing white-columned Kennedy center after running for 10 miles, jogged past the limestone-and-marble Lincoln Memorial after 11 miles and passed the domed US Capitol after 13 miles. Tired, sore and with a cramp in his leg, when Vaca finally reached the finish line 13.2 miles later at Hains Point, he decided that finishing the 2007 Marine Corps Marathon was worth the endless effort and hours of training.

Making air waves

By Anika Manzoor | Dec. 16, 2007, midnight | In Features »

Juniors Sam Barth, Greg Friedman, Peter Myers, Russell Ottalini and Joe Gilbert emerge on-stage to enthusiastic applause, ready to spread Christmas cheer in this year's SGR Spectacular. While they set up, it becomes apparent that the boys are not equipped with any musical instruments or even microphones. And as the Christmas song "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town" begins playing in the background, "pianist" Ottalini emphatically mimes the action and other group members begin imitating other instruments. These boys are in an air band, known as "Action Jackson and the Go Getters."

Calling all beasts, teacups and candlesticks

By Josie Callahan | Dec. 13, 2007, midnight | In Features »

Each year, director Kelly O'Connor challenges young thespians to assume alternate identities. After months of rehearsal, the ordinary student may change their mannerisms to channel the inner princess, cowboy or pirate that the director is coaching her to embody onstage. In the coming months, students throughout the school will take on the demeanors of lively teapots, flirty feather-dusters and playful foot-rests.


By Josie Callahan | Dec. 10, 2007, midnight | In Features »

Fighting off the "Z"s during first period is a challenge many students have sought to master over the years. If a good breakfast won't help, then a cup of Starbucks coffee must. But for students in Robert Gibb's first period, staying awake is not a problem. No heads are on their desks in this Modern World History class, as every eye is glued to the projector screen where a Roman battle scene rages. After several minutes, the YouTube clip concludes and Gibb continues lecturing his students, who are now eager, awake and experiencing a rejuvenated interest in the Roman Empire.

The rainbow connection

By Brittany Allen | Nov. 30, 2007, midnight | In Features »

While the trudge up to room 243 for the last forty-five minute chunk of the school day is no stranger to Communication Arts Program (CAP) students in Kevin Shindel's eighth period research class, a gang of less than twenty kids, the hall is abuzz on this Tuesday. Shindel stands outside as the final bell rings, to motion groups of stragglers into the room. Inside, the desks are arranged in a wide square. The tables sit in the middle. The room is crawling with students from every year and every dynamic. The class has visitors.

De Paraguay, con amor

By Kathie Arana-Mejia | Nov. 30, 2007, midnight | In Features »

Muchos jóvenes no pueden esperar el momento en el cual se escapan de sus padres. Gabriela Formento, una estudiante de tercer año en Blair, está a más de 4,500 millas de los suyos- pero no para escaparse de ellos.

Viviendo la vida loca

By Selene Tituana | Nov. 29, 2007, midnight | In Features »

Cuando Elissa Fischel, estudiante del duodécimo grado, entró el primer día de la escuela en el amplio y extendido edificio de la escuela secundario, era obvio que ella resaltaba en un mar de estudiantes. Siempre que ella caminaba por los largos pasillos, los estudiantes se paraban y la miraban fijamente. Fischel no tenía una señal pegada en su espalda ni nada parecido; ella era distinta porque era estadounidense, una extranjera en Brasil.

Learning in translation

By Jon Kesten | Nov. 25, 2007, midnight | In Features »

For senior Danielle Tarr, every day at school is a trip around the world and a mouthful of dialects. She is greeted first period with "Assalam alaikum," fourth period with "Hello," sixth period with "Konichiwa" and seventh period with "Salve." Tarr takes four different language classes – Arabic, English, Japanese and AP Latin – two of which, Arabic and Japanese, are being offered for the first time this year.

Legend comes to life on the Blair stage

By Johanna Gretschel | Nov. 24, 2007, midnight | In Features »

Sweeping across the stage, she recalls the first time she met Arthur Miller - the playwright responsible for "The Crucible" - and the way she was ignored for the likes of Winona Ryder and Daniel Day-Lewis. But at the read-through for the 1996 movie version of the renowned play, she summoned her annoyance from her earlier dismissal to deliver a spitfire, passionate rendition of Tituba opposite Miller himself, who decided to read the part of Reverend Parris. Later that day, Miller visited her trailer, proclaiming, "Oh my god, you are Tituba!" In her trademark feisty manner, she simply replied, "No, I'm Charlayne Woodard."

Blazers mean business in the big apple

By Sophie Schwadron | Nov. 19, 2007, midnight | In Features »

The bus stops, and the scrambling starts. Forty-eight students file out with one thing on their minds – money – and, of course, not getting lost amidst thousands of bargain hunters crowding the messy streets of New York City's wholesale district. Four and half hours later, the students will be back on the bus, their wallets a little lighter, and the negotiations will begin.

Muchas Maneras de Decir "Hola"

By | Nov. 15, 2007, midnight | In Features »

En todo el mundo, hay muchas maneras en que se puede decir "hola," pero probablemente les sorprendería aprender que hay muchas maneras diferentes de decirla en Blair mismo. Los hispanohablantes dicen "Hola," mientras personas que hablan francés dicen "Bonjour." Hawaianos dicen "Aloha," que también significa adiós. Mucha gente dice, "Kelou," que es un saludo igbo, o "labas," que es lituano. En la lengua yoruba, hay 15 maneras de decir "hola."

Log on, make right

By Sophie Schwadron | Nov. 11, 2007, midnight | In Features »

In real life, freshman Eric Ruggieri may not actually have 509 friends. But one aspect of his Facebook page rings true – he doesn't want his Shetland sheepdog to be used as live shark bait. Below his "Top Friends" list appears a small box labeled "Causes," where the group "Stop using live dogs for shark bait" shows Ruggieri's avid support for animal rights.

War games

By Brittany Allen | Nov. 10, 2007, midnight | In Features »

It's a weekday in the SAC and the whole room is abuzz with excited chatter. Several crude but enthusiastic posters, the spitting image of Spirit Week propaganda, are slung across the backs of chairs. People file in slowly and sit with their friends and acquaintances, but this isn't a typical lunch period — this motley crew of excited constituents, all hailing from the fourth voting district in Prince George's and Montgomery counties, are here at Blair to hear a debate between the candidates for the Democratic nomination to Congress for the upcoming Congressional election.

Ready, set, film

By Jenny Williams | Nov. 3, 2007, midnight | In Features »

The rules are simple – one weekend, one crew and one final film production. At 7 p.m. on Friday Oct. 19, a crew of 13 Blazers and 1 student from Kennedy High School embarked on the race to create a film in 72 hours for the National Film Challenge.

Everybody dance now...or not?

By Susie Branson | Oct. 31, 2007, midnight | In Features »

Like bugs to a light, a swarm of girls gather around a bonfire nibbling on pizza and roasting s'mores. Giggles and guitar melodies combine with smoke swirling through the air as they zip up their jackets against the brisk fall breeze. Engulfed by the relaxing warmth and glow of the orange blaze, these seven girls decided to spend their Saturday together instead of attending Blair's annual homecoming dance.

Silver shriek!

By Brittany Allen, Josie Callahan | Oct. 30, 2007, midnight | In Features »

So maybe the little old lady who hands out quarters instead of Halloween candy gave you an odd look last year when you arrived at her door with a trio of pals scrunched into your Disney Princess costumes from fifth grade. Perhaps you felt a flush of shame when that jerky pack of Power Rangers giggled at you from behind their little orange buckets of Junior Mints and Twizzlers. You know what they're all thinking: Aren't they a little old?

A conference to remember

By Emily Hsiao | Oct. 29, 2007, midnight | In Features »

The lights dim and a fast, catchy beat slowly seeps out from the speakers, making the audience tap their feet. Eight girls dressed in intricate red and blue costumes stand posed on the stage with their backs turned to the audience. Slowly, two by two, they turn around with their waving arms in the air and start dancing to the rhythm of an energetic bhangra tune.

The other Montgomery Blair players

By Kiera Zitelman | Oct. 1, 2007, midnight | In Features »

On a backstage door surrounded by electrical cords, screwdrivers and small power tools, a sign reads, "The stage crew does whatever it takes to ensure the success of the production." For stage crew director John Kaluta and his Blair students, this slogan is a way of life.

Putting the pal in principal

By Brittany Allen, Josie Callahan | Sept. 25, 2007, midnight | In Features »

It was mid-August and Blair seemed empty, except for one solitary man striding down Blair Boulevard. Gazing up at the threshold of the main staircase leading toward the high turquoise ceiling, Darryl Williams stopped in his tracks. Everything was oversized, built to hold the diverse mix of students constituting the largest high school in the county, but without them crowding the halls, its vastness engulfed him. Williams was standing in the midst of the high school which was to become his new home.

From behind the scenes to in front of the lights

By Lucas Alvarado-Farrar | Sept. 24, 2007, midnight | In Features »

The night before Blair's 2001 spring musical, "Guys and Dolls," technical education teacher and stage crew sponsor John Kaluta decided to leave the Blair Players forever. Sitting down to write an instructional letter to the incoming stage crew sponsor, James Distler, Kaluta attempted to ensure that he wasn't abandoning his crew to dedicate more time to sailing. After typing the last period and printing the letter, Kaluta looked down at the 14 pages sprawled across his desk and decided then that he had to write a book.

From past to present

By Kevin Teng | Sept. 23, 2007, midnight | In Features »

Ten years ago, downtown Silver Spring was a different city, home to many abandoned, run-down buildings. The once-charming Silver Theatre had lost its beautiful look, and there was neither turf nor Majestic Theater. The declining trend, which began in the sixties with the opening of Wheaton Plaza, seemed to have no end.

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