Tastee Diner

Jan. 8, 2003, midnight | By Laura Blythe-Goodman | 22 years, 2 months ago

Name: Tasty Diner
Phone Number:301-598-8171
Price range for entrees: $1.25-16.95

If you are going to the Tasty Diner, you're most likely not looking for quality food that fulfills all your health needs.  You're probably looking for exactly what they have, more than decent food and a diner atmosphere straight from a movie.  The waitresses are friendly, for the most part, but be warned: ordering anything remotely considered healthy could be grounds for waitress laughter. I'd recommend the basics; grilled cheese, sandwiches, homemade chili or hamburgers.  (They actually have added a veggie burger for the vegetarians out there).  The Tasty Diner is just that, a diner.  They are very good at what they do and I recommend sticking with that.  Venturing into such treacherous territories as salads or fresh fruit can be risky.  Dessert is also a surprise, as the delicious pies sometimes lose their appeal in being frozen.  Despite the occasional problems, I highly recommend the Tasty for its staple foods and ambiance.  It is the perfect choice for a late night outing, especially if you're craving breakfast food, which they serve all day.
Located within walking distance of the Silver Spring metro, there is also a parking garage conveniently found across the street.

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Laura Blythe-Goodman. Laura is a senior this year. In her spare time, she learns how to play the guitar and talks to Emma. More »

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