Good night and good luck

June 3, 2010, 11:38 p.m. | By Sophia Deng | 14 years, 9 months ago

High school has been four years of stress, worry and anxiety. At the time, while going through the daily whirlwind motions of finishing homework and participating in extracurricular activities, I would agree that the portrayal of high school as a prison of work was more than a fair assessment. But as I sit at home, finding myself nostalgic about being pushed and shoved in Blair Boulevard during 5A and 5B lunch, I've realized that my feelings about leaving are not clear-cut jubilation, but those of ambivalence and deep sadness.

These four years, particularly four years in the intensive Magnet Program, have frequently been arduous. Yet in the end, it's not the all-nighters I pulled that are imprinted in my memory. It is the great friends I made while I pulled those all-nighters, the quirkiness of teachers, as well as the unique culture of Blair - how awesome it is to go to school where we get the opportunity to meet someone new each day, individuals who could be socioeconomically, racially, ideologically and politically different.

It is interesting how you appreciate something more when you don't have it anymore. Two weeks ago, I was sitting in class, pleading that school would end quicker, pleading that the eighth period bell would ring faster. But I miss seeing the colorful hallways of Blair, hearing Infoflow on the speakers, even watching the clock in eighth period. I miss it a lot.

High school may have been four years of stress, worry and anxiety, but that's a little too glass half empty for me. I like to remember high school as four years of growth, comfort and excitement. As of now, it has been the best four years of my life, a place where I've met people I will always love and obtained experiences I will never forget. High school has been home sweet home, something to which I have utmost gratitude as I go off to college and venture into the scary abyss of unknown things and unknown places.

To the remaining Blazers in school, ha ha. No really, it is ironic how we are mutually jealous of each other; I'm jealous that you're in high school, while you are jealous I am out of high school. Nevertheless, I wish you the best of times, and when you aren't experiencing the best of times, I hope you understand that high school is actually fantastic.

It's been so fantastic that part of my heart will always be at Blair. Good luck, Blazers and continue to read SCO!

Sophia Deng. Sophia was the Managing Editor of SCO during the 2009-2010 school year. When not laughing or chilling to OWL CITY, Sophia can be found oil painting, playing volleyball, doing sudokus and sprinkling happy fairy dust over everyone. She loves folk/pop/electronica indie, Harry Potter, Burt's Bees … More »

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