Arrests end Silver Spring concert

March 9, 2009, midnight | By Sophie Schwadron, Kiera Zitelman | 16 years ago

Chaos in crowd clashes with Saturday night's anti-violence theme

Near the end of last Saturday night's concert in Downtown Silver Spring, 16 juveniles and adults were arrested for offenses including assault and disorderly conduct. The concert was sponsored by Mixed Unity, a new youth group involving many Blazers.

The group was formed after 14-year-old Blair freshman Tai Lam was shot and killed in November. The concert, entitled "Stop the Violence," was designed to remember Lam and promote non-violent behavior.

The concert began at 5 p.m. and was set to last until 9 p.m. Several thousand people were in attendance, according to the Washington Post.

Towards the end of the concert, a mosh pit led to fighting among a small number of concertgoers. On-duty police assigned to the area stepped in to stop the disturbance. When at least one of the offenders resisted arrest, an officer called for more assistance, according to the Montgomery County Police Department.

Order was restored after several supporting officers arrived on the scene, according to MCPD. No serious injuries or property damage was reported.

Last updated: April 27, 2021, 12:58 p.m.

Sophie Schwadron. Sophie Schwadron has been told her last name means "someone who talks too much" in German, which is funny, because she has also been told she's a chatterbox, which is also funny, because chatterbox is a funny word. A fan of anything made by Wham-O … More »

Kiera Zitelman. Kiera Zitelman goes by many names and Photo Booth effects. She enjoys being able to drive and representing Kensington. She likes her dog, Sophie, and her human friend of the same name. Kiera owns one-third of a hot dog toaster and one-fourth of a movie … More »

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