Acing your college interview

Dec. 5, 2018, 8 a.m. | By Nene Narh-Mensah, Sneha Ojha | 6 years, 3 months ago

Silver Chips Online's guide on how to ace your college interview

It's interview season! Mid-November is the time for seniors to receive interview requests from the colleges they've applied to early. Here's a short guide on how to ace your interview:

  1. Dress for success - The way you dress is going to depend on the formality of the interview and the college you're applying to. Often, the college will specify the dress code, whether it's formal or informal. If you are unsure how to dress, a nice sweater and khakis will never go wrong.
  2. Know Your College - Do background research on your school before your interview. A common question in interviews is "Why Us?" Make sure to know the specific programs, classes, and clubs/activities that you are interested in. You will seem more invested if you've done your research ahead of time.
  3. Be Confident - Remember to relax! At the end of the day, it's just an interview. The interview will not be the deciding factor that makes or breaks whether you get into a college. It's just a way for the college to get to know you better. Going into the interview, be confident in your qualifications and just be yourself.
  4. Timing (get rest/arrive early) - Be sure to get a good night's sleep before the interview. It's very apparent to interviewers when you haven't gotten enough rest. Also, try to arrive around fifteen minutes early to your interview. The interview is your first interaction with a representative of your college of choice, so you want to make a good first impression.
  5. Have questions for your interviewers - Don't bring common interview questions, come up with some new ones before you arrive. If there's a hobby or interest you're hoping to continue in college, ask questions about it. If your interviewer can't answer those questions ask them who they can refer you to. While you may not get your questions answered immediately, you've demonstrated that you're interested in getting an answer at some point. It's also a good networking opportunity.
  6. Send a follow-up email - After your interview, send a thank you email to your interviewer. It's a small gesture, but it shows that you cared about the interview and the school.

Good luck, Blazers!

Last updated: Dec. 5, 2018, 8 a.m.

Tags: college College admissions interviews

Nene Narh-Mensah. Senior Writer More »

Sneha Ojha. My name is Sneha. I am a nerd on the inside and the outside. I have a passion for STEM and sleeping. More »

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