2020-esque virtual learning now an option for future inclement weather days
Snow days might be a thing of the past. Photo courtesy of MCPS.
While snow falls and students are sound asleep, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) administrators are up at 3 a.m., racing around and checking the weather forecasts. The seemingly small notification that pops up on the MCPS website before school starts has a big decision making process behind it, and even wider impacts on the community.
"Hey, it's supposed to snow next week! Do you think we'll have a day off?" "Maybe; What does MoCo Snow say?"
On March 17, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) sent a request to the Maryland State Board of Education, the governing body that determines the length of the school year, asking for the school year not to be extended due to snow days.
Yesterday's snowstorm left us less than enchanted and wetter than we'd like. Could its second leg give us the snow day we're after?
How-ev-er, before the snow day comes the call, and before the call comes predictions. SCO, of course, is the most accurate predictor of snow days; so stick around for updates on whether we'll be having a snow day this Monday.
While this law is a valiant effort in ensuring adequate learning time for students, it ultimately prevents MCPS from using a more effective calendar that does not rely so much on makeup days.
We found 8 results.