Tagged: iTunes

Vinyl back for another spin

By Eleanor Linafelt | Sept. 9, 2014, 11 p.m. | In Lifestyle Blog »

We can stream an album before it's released, we can download a song as quickly as we can press play on it and we can have music playing in our ears wherever we go. So why are vinyl and record players making a comeback?

TechnoLogical: Why you don't own your iTunes music

By Richard Chen | Sept. 4, 2012, 1:08 a.m. | In News Blog »

30 years ago, if we were to buy Michael Jackson's "Thriller," the album was ours, there were no regulations stopping us from sharing it and giving it to someone else. Today, we aren't actually buying a digital copy of music on iTunes, but only a nontransferable license that allows us to listen to it.

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