In an attempt to pack in as much drama as possible before the impending apocalypse (2012 - mark your calendars), the world has conspired to make 2008 a year for the books: the best of times, the worst of times, history-in-the-making. In short: epic.
Infoflow - cornerstone of the Blair community, source of all our daily info needs and eternal wellspring of word-of-the-day quality vocab enhancement - is under attack.
Small children are scary. Hollywood and, in this case, whatever Spain's equivalent to Hollywood is have been drilling that fact into the moviegoer's subconscious for years - just look at "The Ring." Imported supernatural thriller "The Orphanage," however, manages to take a hackneyed subject and create a film which feels fresh, imaginative and absolutely terrifying. Think "Pan's Labyrinth," but with a few more nightmares.