Emma Norvell

Name: Emma Norvell
Position: Page Editor
Graduation Year: 2005
E nergetic M onstrously cool M agnanimous A wesome N ot a dumb blonde (sike!) O utstandingly clever R ampantly nice V a va voom! E xcellent at croquet L oves Harry Potter L ovely

Stories (49)

HSA incentives finalized

By Emma Norvell | May 20, 2005, midnight | In Print »

The Blair administration will be giving out $1,500 worth of gift certificates as well as a laptop as prizes for students who take the HSA tests.

Holocaust Remembrance Day

By Grace Harter, Emma Norvell | May 6, 2005, midnight | In Print »

Silver Chips Online presents ways to commemorate one of history's most tragic events.

Save yourself from swimming in spam

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 9, 2005, midnight | In Print »

Taking up space in millions of mailboxes around the country, stealing money from unsuspecting web users and advertising at an impossibly high rate, the presence of spam on the world wide web has dramatically increased globally in recent years.

Bush addresses the nation

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 3, 2005, midnight | In Print »

President Bush spoke to Congress and the nation in his first State of the Union address of his second term yesterday. Bush said that his new term would focus on trying to "build a better world for our children and grandchildren," concentrating on social security, the economy, the war on terror and the situation in Iraq.

Tsunami realities and miracles

By Ekta Taneja, Emma Norvell | Jan. 13, 2005, midnight | In Print »

The tsunami, which hit Dec. 26, 2004 in southern Asia, is being called one of the "worst natural disasters in modern history" by many newspapers. The tsunami was caused by an earthquake, which sent waves crashing into the shores of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, and several other countries. Waves got up to 50 feet high.

SAT scores delayed

By Emma Norvell | Dec. 2, 2004, midnight | In Print »

A delay in the processing of SAT I and SAT II answer sheets prevented students who tested at Blair on Nov. 6 from receiving their online scores on time.

World opinion of America will drop with the reelection

By Emma Norvell | Nov. 9, 2004, midnight | In Print »

In what is being called the most important and the closest election of our lifetimes (since 2000 of course), this year's presidential election has left half of the population jumping for joy and the other half in stunned silence.

Bush thanks supporters in victory speech

By Emma Norvell | Nov. 3, 2004, midnight | In Print »

Just an hour after Sen. John Kerry made his concession speech declaring Bush the victor in the presidential elections, President Bush thanked his supporters and spoke of "entering a season of hope" in his victory speech on Nov. 3 from the Ronald Reagan building in Washington D.C.

Cheney and Edwards turn up the heat

By Emma Norvell | Oct. 6, 2004, midnight | In Print »

Those who decided to watch Edwards battle Cheney could almost feel the heat radiating from both candidates in a debate that was much more contentious than the presidential debates.

Seniors to attend career and college fair next week

By Jeffrey Dunn, Emma Norvell | Oct. 6, 2004, midnight | In Print »

Seniors are required to attend a career planning and college fair on Oct. 13 while freshmen, sophomores and juniors are taking the PSAT, according to Career and College Coordinator Sharon Williams.

First presidential debate kicks off with clean, solid start

By Emma Norvell | Oct. 1, 2004, midnight | In Print »

In the first of three Presidential debates, both President Bush and Senator Kerry appeared to hold their own, with no clear winner emerging. Neither candidate had a memorable stumble that might play endlessly on every news cycle. But neither had a stand-out moment capable of winning over undecided voters.

The history of dirty politics

By Emma Norvell | Sept. 30, 2004, midnight | In Print »

For those people who haven't been paying attention to this year's elections, here's a brief run down of the candidates: Bush is a draft-dodging coward and Kerry is a flip-flopping wimp.

The effects of Florida's hurricanes

By Emma Norvell | Sept. 24, 2004, midnight | In Print »

Many Blazers can still remember the effects of Hurricane Isabel which hit the area in the fall of 2002 closing Blair for three days and leaving dozens of people without power for days. As horrible as that was for Maryland, it is nothing compared to the effects that a recent series of hurricanes has had on Florida.

Hispanic Heritage month

By Emma Norvell | Sept. 24, 2004, midnight | In Print »

Responding to the growing demands of many Hispanic organizations to recognize the large latino population in the United States, the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives passed a joint resolution on Sept. 17, 1968 declaring that the week of Sept. 15 and 16 be formally recognized as Hispanic Heritage month. Eventually, the week long celebration was extended to four – the weeks of Sept. 15 and Oct. 15. The switch was made to give teachers more of a chance to recognize the importance of Hispanics in America.

Republican National Convention: Analysis

By Emma Norvell | Sept. 6, 2004, midnight | In Print »

The Republican National Convention set the tone and outlined the major positions of the Bush administration for the upcoming election.

Using the Chips College Section

By Jeffrey Dunn, Emma Norvell | Aug. 29, 2004, midnight | In Print »

Blazers place in web design contest

By Emma Norvell | June 6, 2004, midnight | In Print »

Two groups of Blair students received honorable mentions in The Oracle Education Foundation competition at thinkquest.org.

Kelly Newman to study abroad for a year

By Emma Norvell | May 28, 2004, midnight | In Print »

Kelly Newman, the CAP drama teacher, theater instructor and director of school plays, is leaving Blair for a year to study abroad in England.

Winners of the Chips writing contest

By Emma Norvell | May 13, 2004, midnight | In Print »

This is the Second edition of the Chips Writing Competition. A number of students replied to the question below in their English classes and the entries were all judged by Chips staff members. The following are those entries that we felt were most effective in style, content and language use. Winners can come to room 165 either 5A or 5B lunch any time this week to pick up their prizes.

New community service award available to Blazers

By Emma Norvell | May 7, 2004, midnight | In Print »

The Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) is sponsoring a new annual award, starting this spring, in honor of Shamarra Perry, a former Blair student who died in 2001.

Number of troops increased in Iraq

By Emma Norvell | April 16, 2004, midnight | In Print »

As a result of increasing resistance to American forces in Iraq, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that an increased number of troops are going to remain overseas.

Bush speaks to America

By Emma Norvell | April 15, 2004, midnight | In Print »

President Bush spoke in his third prime time new conference since the beginning of his presidency on Tuesday. The focus of the forum was to defend the war in Iraq and answer questions relating to the subject.

The bold Richard Clarke

By Emma Norvell | April 2, 2004, midnight | In Print »

It's high time for the Bush administration and the media to stop taking the easy road and start doing the hard work of addressing Richard Clarke's unprecedented claims regarding the Bush administrations anemic efforts to prevent terrorist attacks.

Rice to testify before 9/11 commisson

By Emma Norvell | April 2, 2004, midnight | In Print »

After receiving much criticism from the media, President Bush decided on Tuesday to allow National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice to publicly speak before the 9/11 commission.

Share your Spring Break experience

By Emma Norvell | March 29, 2004, midnight | In Print »

Hey Blazers, doing something interesting over Spring Break? Want to share it? If so, take a picture and submit it to Silver Chips Online.

9/11 hearings shed light on the attack

By Emma Norvell | March 25, 2004, midnight | In Print »

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States conducted hearings on Tuesday, March 23 and Wednesday, March 24 as part of its investigation into the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Witnesses testified that both the Clinton and Bush administrations share blame for the attack.

New grading and reporting policy proposed

By Emma Norvell | March 25, 2004, midnight | In Print »

Montgomery County school officials have proposed a change to the county's grading policy for assignments turned in late. Under the proposed policy, teachers would be required to accept all late work but penalize it by dropping the grade by no more than one letter grade. For work that is not turned in at all, students would get an E, which would be translated into 50% on a 100 point scale. The change could take effect as early as next school year.

Getting a head start on college

By Emma Norvell | March 17, 2004, midnight | In Print »

Summer is just around the corner but summer that summer is not the time to just lie around in front of the TV all day advises private college counselor Lori Potts-Dupre. "Colleges look to your summer experiences to see what you do in your free time,” she says. "[Your summer] shows your passions, initiative maturity level and whether you take on challenges.”

School store under new management

By Emma Norvell | March 15, 2004, midnight | In Print »

The school store, now also known as the Blair Business Opportunity Center, which used to be run by Special Education teacher James Short, is under new management as part of a business class at Blair.

Oscar contest winners

By Emma Norvell | March 3, 2004, midnight | In Print »

Congratulations to the following people who correctly predicted all eight categories in the SCO Oscar predictions. Please come during 5A or 5B to pick up your Prize in room 165.

Oscar competition

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 19, 2004, midnight | In Print »

With the Oscars just around the corner, much speculation has been made as to who will collect the most statues this year. Now is your chance to make your own predictions and win a prize from Silver Chips Online.

The Chain Invasions

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2004, midnight | In Print »

Jazzing Blazers

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 13, 2004, midnight | In Print »

Blair's All-county jazz musicians will be performing with the all-county jazz ensemble at the 13th annual East Coast Jazz Festival this Sunday at 9:00.

Valentine Restaurants

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 12, 2004, midnight | In Print »

The following is a list of restaurants gathered from dinesite.com. All of them have been described as "inexpensive” and "romantic” by reviewers and the website. They are located in DC so enjoy a night on the town and then some good food on your Valentine's Day.

Tutoring program helps prepare Blazers for mandatory tests

By Emma Norvell | Jan. 11, 2004, midnight | In Print »

Starting the week of Jan. 12, IMPACT at Blair, Diversity workshop and other volunteer students will tutor ESOL students in preparation for the mandatory HSA tests that they have to pass as a result of the No Child Left Behind Act.

Seeing Through the Haze

By Emma Norvell | Jan. 10, 2004, midnight | In Print »

The freshman struggles against the many hands that push him up against the wall. Soon, the hands are replaced with sticky duct tape that binds his hands, arms and legs together, suspended up against the wall. But this boy isn't being picked on because of his race, sex or economic status; it's because of his grade level.

Present ideas for the holidays

By Emma Norvell, Caitlin O'Brien | Dec. 22, 2003, midnight | In Print »

Well folks, the holiday season is just around the corner and you know what that means. It's time to hit the mall and buy a few gifts for your friends, family and/or that special someone. Here are some good ideas for last minute shopping.

The values of turkey

By Emma Norvell | Nov. 26, 2003, midnight | In Print »

Think back to a day years ago, when leaves were not a chore but a playground and when the day before Thanksgiving was filled with cupcakes and gum drop turkeys instead of last minute tests before the holiday. Now try to remember your teacher, amidst the cookie sharing, standing up in front of the room and talking about the origins of Thanksgiving. It was initially a celebration between the Native Americans and the Pilgrims from the Mayflower who were celebrating and giving thanks to the kindness and generosity of the Native Americans for helping them through their first harsh winter.

Blazers share Thanksgiving fare

By Shannon Egan, Emma Norvell | Nov. 26, 2003, midnight | In Print »

Here are some recipes that will help make your Thanksgiving this year especially yummy!

Thanksgiving traditions

By Emma Norvell | Nov. 26, 2003, midnight | In Print »

After Halloween has finally died down, and the secret bag of candy under your bed has emptied to a mere a handful of candy corn, stores begin to take down their jack o lanterns and replace them with squash and dancing turkeys. America turns their attention to the next major holiday – Thanksgiving.

Math students of the month

By Emma Norvell | Nov. 26, 2003, midnight | In Print »

Here are November's Math students of the Month. Teachers picked these students for being the most improved students in their classes. If you see any of these students, congratulate them on a job well done!

Halloween Flicks

By Emma Norvell | Oct. 31, 2003, midnight | In Print »

Trick or Treating not your thing? Watch one of these excellent Scary Movies recommended by the workers at Video Americain in Takoma Park.


By Emma Norvell | Oct. 29, 2003, midnight | In Print »

Jack-O-Lanterns are one of the more well-known symbols of Halloween. No matter where you go or what you do on Halloween, you are bound to see dozens of differently carved pumpkins. So join the frenzy and carve one for your own house as well. Here are some ideas on how to make your pumpkin this year unique.

Takoma Park's Fall Festival

By Emma Norvell | Oct. 29, 2003, midnight | In Print »

A Fall Festival is taking place on Friday, October 31 as an alternative for students at Takoma Park Elementary School who do not celebrate Halloween.

All Hallows Eve is not for all

By Emma Norvell | Oct. 29, 2003, midnight | In Print »

This Friday marks an exciting day for many Blair students – Halloween. But not everyone celebrates Halloween. Amidst a whirl of Jack-O-Lanterns, spiders, ghosts, ghouls and gremlins, are people who treat October 31 like any other day of the year.

Kazaa trouble

By Emma Norvell | Sept. 27, 2003, midnight | In Print »

Single mother Heather McGough from California, 12 year old Brianna LaHara from New York, a 71-year-old grandfather from Texas and a Yale University photography professor are all music lovers. They are among the millions of people who download music off the internet for free using services such as Kazaa and Grokster ltd.

Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life: Just another bad sequel

By Emma Norvell | Aug. 8, 2003, midnight | In Print »

Life is full of mysteries. And one of the biggest mysteries of all is why Hollywood insists on creating sequels to movies that are already repetitive, confusing, and implausible.

This Year's Holiday TV Guide

By Emma Norvell | Nov. 30, 1999, midnight | In Print »

There are hundreds of Christmas specials on TV from now until New Years. Here is a list of just a handful of them.

Seeing Through the Haze

By Emma Norvell | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

Hazing is almost everywhere. Whether it's for a fraternity or a sports team, people always seem to feel the need to initiate new members of any organization with series of practical jokes.

Images (75)

Photo: HSA Reward Poster

By Emma Norvell | May 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Laura Cole creates a poster in Mr. Lynch's latin class in order to help advertise the rewards for students who take the HSAs.

Photo: HSA Reward Poster

By Emma Norvell | May 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

From left to right, sophmores Allison Rubin and Corianne Hernandez create a poster for the HSAs.

Photo: HSA Reward Poster

By Emma Norvell | May 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Emma Hutchinson makes a poster in Mr. Lynch's class.

Photo: HSA Reward Poster

By Emma Norvell | May 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Jessie Hallberlin helps advertise for the HSAs.

Photo: Court House - Boston Market

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 22, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

These restuarants and stores line the street across from the entrance to the Court House station.

Photo: Abrahm Gurmu's ID

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 22, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Abrahm Gurmu's ID, issued to him during his first day at Blair.

Photo: Historian Alfred Goldberg

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 20, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

History teacher George Vlasits stands with historian Alfred Goldberg, a guest speaker who spoke to 9th grade CAP students on Thursday, Feb. 17.

Photo: Historian Alfred Goldberg

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 17, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Ninth grade CAP students listen intently as Historian Alfred Goldberg talks about World War II.

Photo: East Falls Church Station

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

East Falls Church Metro Station

Photo: Dunn Loring Station

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Metro's Dunn Loring Station

Photo: Metro Car

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Metro Car 4

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Metro Car 2

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Empty Metro Station

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Metro Car 3

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Ballston MU - Kenny's

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A hair salon near Ballston MU.

Photo: Empty Car 2

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Metro Tracks

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Empty Car

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Ballston MU - Hechts

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A Hecht's department store near the Ballston MU station.

Photo: Thank You For Riding

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Metro Tracks 2

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Metro-Deli

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Metro - Top Video

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 16, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Rosslyn Station - Rosslyn Spectrum

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Rosslyn Spectrum

Photo: GWU Station - George Washington Hospital

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Rosslyn Station - Berlin Wall exhibit

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A Berlin Wall exhibit at the Rosslyn Station.

Photo: Rosslyn Station - Freedom Park 2

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freedom Park near Rosslyn Station.

Click here for more pictures from Rosslyn Station.

Photo: Virginia Square Station

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Virginia Square-GMU station

Photo: Clarendon - Thai Cuisine

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Thai food here is quick and cheap.

Photo: Senior Inspirational Speaker

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Farragut North - Bubbles Salon

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Court House Station

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The inside of the Court House Metro station.

Photo: Boston Market, Ritz Camera

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: GMU/Virginia - Metro Cafe and Gourmet

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Grab a quick bite to eat here before entering the GMU station.

Photo: Clarendon - Pacers

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Visit Pacers to get ourfitted for any running sport.

Photo: Metro - deli

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Senior Motivational Assembly

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Perdomo, a senior, fills out an informational packet during the Senior motivational assembly.

Photo: Metro - Mimi Fashion

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Clarendon - Clarendon Center

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Metro - Sign

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Ballston MU - Tivoli

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Ballston Station

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Rosslyn Station - Vie de France

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Vie de France near Rosslyn station.

Photo: Ballston - Map of the Neighborhood

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Senior Motivational Assembly

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Rebecca Widmayer and Katie Schlebecker read the informational packet distributed to all seniors as part of the senior motivational assembly.

Photo: Rosslyn Station - Freedom Park

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freedom Park near Rosslyn station.

Photo: Rosslyn - Olsson's Books

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Metro - Starbucks

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Farragut North - thai Kingdom

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A Thai restaurant near the Farragut North station.

Photo: GWU Station - George Washington Statue

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A statue of George Washington outside the GWU station.

Photo: Rosslyn Station

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Rosslyn Station

Photo: Courthouse - Movie AMC

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

This AMC movie therater is located at the Courthouse station

Photo: Clarendon Station

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Clarendon Station

Photo: Metro - California Tortilla

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

This California Toritilla restaurants is within a block from the Court House metro station,

Photo: Ballston MU - Hunan Gate

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 15, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A cheap Chinese food restaurant located across the street from the Ballston MU station.

Photo: McPherson Square - White House

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The White House, just a short walk away from McPherson Square

Photo: Mcpherson Square Station

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

McPherson Square Metro station in Washington, D.C.

Click here for more pictures from McPherson Square.

Photo: Federal Triangle Station - Aria

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Aria near Federal Triangle

Photo: Farragut West - Barami

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Barami within distance of the Farragut West Metro station

Photo: McPherson Square - Renwick gallery

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Renwick Gallery near McPherson Square

Photo: McPherson Square - Cosi

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Cosi, a sandwich shop, near McPherson Square

Photo: Farragut West - Cafe Soleil

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Cafe Soleil, one of the many places to eat near Farragut West

Photo: Smithsonian station - Washington monument

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Washington Monument is one of the many famous D.C. landmarks within walking distance of the Smithsonian Metro station.

Photo: Federal Triangle Station

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The outside of the Federal Triangle Metro station.

Click here for more pictures from Federal Triangle.

Photo: Federal Triangle Station - Warner Theatre

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Warner Theater

Photo: Federal Triangle Station - Ronald Reagan International Trade Center

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Ronald Reagan International Trade Center

Photo: Farragut West - Firehoook Bakery

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Firehook Bakery near Farragut West

Click here for more pictures from Farragut West.

Photo: Federal Triangle Station - Ronald Reagan Building

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Ronald Reagan Building, one of the many beautiful structures near Federal Triangle

Photo: McPherson Square - Caribou Coffee

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Caribou Coffee near McPherson Square

Photo: Federal triangle Station - Old Post Office

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Old Post Office near the Federal Triangle Metro station

Photo: Federal triangle Station - National Museum of American History

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

National Museum of american History

Photo: Farragut North - Restaurants

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A branch of Legal Sea Foods within walking distance of Farragut North

Photo: Federal Triangle Station - Warner Theatre

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

National Theatre on Pennsylvania Avenue

Photo: Farragut West - Dress Barn

By Emma Norvell | Feb. 11, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Dress Barn near Farragut North