Yorktown Sautés Home Cooked

May 16, 2007, midnight | By Simon Kanter | 17 years, 10 months ago

Wind, missing starters result in brutal 15-2 loss

Home Cooked, Blair's unofficial Ultimate Frisbee team, lost to archrival Yorktown 15-2 in a windy and disappointingly under-attended game two Sundays ago. Conflicting schedules and uncooperative weather gave the more experienced and well-manned Yorktown team an advantage that the Blazers couldn't overcome.

"The wind was brutal," said senior Co-Captain Camden Lee, "Even if you were only throwing three feet, there was no way to tell where the disc was going." Forced by the Yorktown defense, the Home Cooked handlers were unable to make short, safe hucks that are preferable in such conditions.

While the brisk breeze fraught the Blazers' offense with lots of dropped passes, Yorktown was able to capitalize on the inclement weather. By taking advantage of Blair's turnovers, they had short plays into the wind and were able to cover the majority of their yards with the wind in their favor.

Yorktown took an early lead, going on a 5-0 scoring drive in the first half. After calling a clutch time out to try and halt Yorktown's momentum, Home Cooked was only able to score once more on a give-and-go between Lee and senior Robert "Big Feas" Feasley before the half ended at 8-1.

Blair's only other point that game came on a spectacular long play by senior Co-Captains Daniel Keller and Lee. Throwing downwind, Keller launched the disc right over the end zone where Lee "Skied three six-foot tall Yorktown defenders" to make the catch. The game ended shortly thereafter before Home Cooked had another chance to score. The Blazers also competed in a statewide tournament this past Sunday.

Simon Kanter. Simon "The Food Guy" Kanter is the silliest person you will ever meet. Though his true joy in life is posting recipes, Simon finds time to spend patting himself on the back for his witty remarks, breeding Trogdors, stealing markers, staplers and other convenient appliances, … More »

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