Winter pep rally for clubs to be held

Nov. 13, 2003, midnight | By Han Hu | 21 years, 4 months ago

Following the administration's ban on clubs performing at sports pep rallies, Blair will hold its first pep rally recognizing student organizations on Nov 21.

About 30 Blair clubs have signed up to participate in the new pep rally, according to Susan Madden, Spirit Club sponsor and co-coordinator of the rally. The event will feature performances by groups that have traditionally been a part of sports pep rallies, such as the Diverse Individual Versatile Athletes (DIVA) Dancers, Step Team and the Urban Culture Movement (formerly known as the Breakdancing Club).

Senior Izal Saddler, a member of the Urban Culture Movement, has mixed feelings about the event. "On the one hand, we are not back in the original pep rally, but the fact that the administration made a separate one for us is pretty good," he said.

Lacovaro and the DIVA Dancers are delighted with the administration's decision to host the pep rally. "We are very excited to have the opportunity to be in front of the school again and show our spirit," said Lacovaro.

Most students are in favor of the new pep rally, according to SGA President Denise Sylla. "I think the overall sentiment from the student body is excitement and enthusiasm, since students have not seen the DIVAs and other dance groups perform [at pep rallies] in over a year," said Sylla.

Other students, including sophomore Martin Brown, support pep rallies recognizing sports but not ones recognizing clubs. Said Brown, "I think the club pep rally is a dumb idea and a waste of time."

The clubs were banned from performing last year because the Blair administration felt the performances took attention away from the athletes.

Senior Muamba Muanankese, co-captain of the varsity football team, said the club pep rally allows Blair's clubs an equal opportunity for recognition. "Since the athletes have their pep rallies, clubs should have the same chance," he said.

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Han Hu. Han Hu, a senior in Blair's Magnet program, is very excited to serve as Managing News Editor on the Silver Chips staff. Aside from Chips, he is also a member of Blair's mock trial team, where he enjoys delivering cases at the county courthouse before … More »

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