Washington area residents advised to prepare for terror attack

Feb. 11, 2002, midnight | By Cori Cohen | 23 years, 1 month ago

An article in the Feb 11 Washington Post informed readers about
how to prepare for a possible terror attack.

The article warned of possible biological, chemical, or radiological
attack, highlighting Washington and New York as suspected Al-Queda
targets. According to the article, federal officials have recommended
families stock up on at least three days worth of food. They also
suggested all homes be supplied with duct tape, plastic sheeting, and
scissors, in order to seal off a room. Other supplies the officials
recommended families have include blankets, batteries, a radio, and

Other ways to prepare for a terrorist include finding ways to communicate
with your family quickly and easily. U.S fire administrator David
Paulison suggested families find a "third party with whom family members
can leave messages."

Officials also recommend large corporations and businesses tighten
security measures. According to the article, "large buildings are being
urged to secure all air in-take equipment." Businesses are asked to
restrict underground parking as much as possible, and limit visitors.

According to Randall Larson, the director of private Anser Institute for
Homeland Security, the government is "not trying to scare people, but to
educate people." The urgent need to inform the public of necessary
precautions in case of a terrorist attack is a result of security alerts
being put on "high risk."

Department of Homeland Security spokesperson Gordon Johndroe compared
preparedness for a terror attack to preparedness for a natural disaster.
He said, "We see information on citizen preparedness as prudent planning."

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Cori Cohen. Cori Cohen is a senior. And guess what? She made has made some new friends! CICADAS! She loves taking them for drives and is starting a "save the cicadas program." More »

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