Vote in the Blair Primary Election

Feb. 3, 2004, midnight | By Elliott Wolf | 21 years, 1 month ago

Welcome to the home of the Montgomery Blair Primary Election. The purpose of this event is to give students the chance to voice our opinion as to who we want to be the next President of the United States.

Voting will be conducted through social studies classes during the week of February 2. If students either do not have a social studies class or wish to vote online now, they can do so here.

Click here for the results for students!

Click here for the results for staff!

Click here to see the ballot (voting is now closed)

(Candidate profiles and biographies are linked to from the ballot)

Upperclassmen born on or before November 2, 1986:
If you are are a U.S. citizen you are eligible to vote in the Maryland Primary on March 2 and the general election on November 2. In order vote in the primary, you must register to vote before February 10. Voter registration applications are being distributed through 5th period classes and being collected outside of the SAC during this week.

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Elliott Wolf. Elliott Wolf is a magnet senior who is thrilled to be writing for Silverchips Online in his last year of high school. He has lived in TAKOMA PARK for his entire life, and is proud to come from the hippie capitol of the east coast. … More »

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