Using the Chips College Section

Aug. 29, 2004, midnight | By Jeffrey Dunn, Emma Norvell | 20 years, 6 months ago

To begin searching for a college, click on the state in which the college is located. If you're not sure which state the college is in select the state from the dropdown box or click "Not sure where the college you're looking for is located? Click here" for a list of all the colleges in our database.

If you don't know the specific school you want, use Chips College Search and select different options in which you are interested in. If you are interested in college rankings, use the ranking search tool to retrieve U.S. News and World Reports rankings.

On each college profile, there is a general information table and additional information to see if the school is a good match in terms of statistics. The U.S. News College rankings can narrow the search as you can see how it is rated among the top colleges of the nation in different fields. Keep in mind that you cannot simply judge a school by its ranking. Just because it is ranked number one, does not mean that it is a perfect match for you.

Next read a description that a member of the Silver Chips Online staff has written based on information compiled from the college's website, articles written about the college and profiles from college books. This can help narrow the search by providing information about the college atmosphere and campus life.

If a school appears to be a good match, be sure to look at the academic profile of Blair graduates who applied to that school by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page. By comparing your scores to those of the people who were accepted and rejected, you can see whether it is a reach, good match or safety school. For some students, the sum of their math and verbal SAT scores may not match their combined score. This occurs since Silver Chips Online only shows each student's best scores, so when a student takes the SAT multiple times, the best combined, math and verbal from all their tests will be displayed.

Remember, colleges judge applications not just on numbers, but also on extracurricular activities, recommendations and essays. The information that we provide is to help you decide on colleges, not decide for you.

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Jeffrey Dunn. Jeffrey Dunn was the 2004-2005 Technical Editor of Silver Chips Online. In Fall 2004, Jeff designed and developed an entirely new version of the website. The new version was built completely from scratch, featuring more secure code, easily expandable sections, and a new user-friendly administration … More »

Emma Norvell. E nergetic M onstrously cool M agnanimous A wesome N ot a dumb blonde (sike!) O utstandingly clever R ampantly nice V a va voom! E xcellent at croquet L oves Harry Potter L ovely More »

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