Sybil's Message
Photo: Hermes (Raynel Carballo) listens as Sybil the prophetess (Elisabeth Desmond) explains the conflict between the Trojans and Greeks.
Hermes (Raynel Carballo) listens as Sybil the prophetess (Elisabeth Desmond) explains the conflict between the Trojans and Greeks.
War and Bloodshed
Photo: The Trojans and Greeks have been at war for seven years.
The Trojans and Greeks have been at war for seven years.
A Chat With the Commander
Photo: Troilus (Isaac Newman) chats with Aeneas (Hemakshi Gordy), a Trojan commander.
Troilus (Isaac Newman) chats with Aeneas (Hemakshi Gordy), a Trojan commander.
How About Love?
Photo: Cressida (Sarah Di) and her uncle, Pandarus (Geo Rivera) discuss her love life.
Cressida (Sarah Di) and her uncle, Pandarus (Geo Rivera) discuss her love life.
Hear Me Out
Photo: Elder statesman Nester (Elisabeth Desmond) carefully listens to Ulysses's (Jonah Nan) comments.
Elder statesman Nester (Elisabeth Desmond) carefully listens to Ulysses's (Jonah Nan) comments.
Here's What I Think, Achilles!
Photo: Thersites (Micah Contee) points a finger at Achilles (Courtney Wilson), who rolls his eyes in annoyance.
Thersites (Micah Contee) points a finger at Achilles (Courtney Wilson), who rolls his eyes in annoyance.
Cressida, I'm Coming For You!
Photo: Troilus and Pandarus embrace at the thought of Cressida meeting Troilus.
Troilus and Pandarus embrace at the thought of Cressida meeting Troilus.
Oh, Cressida
Photo: Troilus and Cressida share a kiss.
Troilus and Cressida share a kiss.
The Muses
Photo: The Muses wonder what role they have in the war.
The Muses wonder what role they have in the war.
Homer's Idea
Photo: Homer (Danny Tran Ho) excitedly announces to Calliope (Kyrsten Lewey), the muse of epic poetry, that he will name his new piece, "The Iliad."
Homer (Danny Tran Ho) excitedly announces to Calliope (Kyrsten Lewey), the muse of epic poetry, that he will name his new piece, "The Iliad."
Unfaithful Lover
Photo: Troilus witnesses an exchange between Cressida and Greek warrior Diomedes (Charlie Wiebe).
Troilus witnesses an exchange between Cressida and Greek warrior Diomedes (Charlie Wiebe).
Hold Up, Wrong Person!
Photo: Thersites begs not to be killed by Hector (Sam Newman), a Trojan warrior.
Thersites begs not to be killed by Hector (Sam Newman), a Trojan warrior.
The Battle Begins
Photo: Two Greek warriors rush upon a Trojan amidst battle.
Two Greek warriors rush upon a Trojan amidst battle.
Hector's Downfall
Photo: Hector takes a last breath as he is impaled by Greek warriors.
Hector takes a last breath as he is impaled by Greek warriors.