Thunderstorms extend summer for some Montgomery County students

Aug. 28, 2003, midnight | By Robin Hernandez | 21 years, 6 months ago

All schools will open on time today, Tuesday, September 2. After last weeks storms, many schools were forced to close or operate on delay openings due to power outages.

Twelve Montgomery County public schools were still without power as of Thursday night after powerful storms Tuesday and Wednesday delayed school openings and canceled class for some.

A thunderstorm Tuesday evening left 33 public schools in Montgomery County without electricity, forcing schools to close. As of Wednesday, power had been restored to 19 schools, however as of Thursday morning, 20 schools with continued and new power-outages were preventing class for some Montgomery County students.

According to the Washington Post, 50,000 Pepco customers were without power as of Thursday morning; 24,000 of those in Montgomery County.

The following is the list of schools with power outages as of Thursday evening:
Elementary Schools
Bel Pre
Burnt Mills
Garrett Park
Glen Haven (at Grosvenor Center)
Montgomery Knolls
Oakland Terrace

Middle Schools

High Schools

More information to come.

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Robin Hernandez. Robin Hernandez is a SENIOR! She works part time as a plumber. Her creative ideas to unclogging toilets have proven to be very successful, as long as she isn't too loud in the process. If you want to enlist her help but can't find her … More »

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