The Strength in Numbers

Dec. 5, 2014, 1:18 p.m. | By Rohan Oprisko | 9 years, 10 months ago

Instead of following the high school trends of under- or overdressing for the cold, all that is necessary is to use layers effectively. To fully understand why using layers instead of a big bulky coat or no coat at all, we will analyze each way to dress.

It's the most wonderful time of the year… for some. For others, the endless gusts of frigid air combined with ice and snow are not that appealing. Because of this, warmth is of the utmost importance during the winter season. For many individuals, the sacrifice of warmth for fashion is a real struggle worth enduring; meanwhile, others sacrifice warmth for fashion. To bring an end to this debate for all males at Montgomery Blair, Silver Chips Online brings you the simple solution--layers. Instead of following the high school trends of under- or overdressing for the cold, all that is necessary is to use layers effectively. To fully understand why using layers instead of a big bulky coat or no coat at all, we will analyze each way to dress.


Layers are one of the only styles with the ability to keep one warm and looking fashionable at the same time.

Last updated: April 27, 2021, 1:13 p.m.

Tags: winter fashion layers

Rohan Oprisko. I'm a person with a fascination for sports. From my experience living in Spain for three years, I realized the one thing that can connect people from diffreent cultures and areas is sports. That is why I am very excited to be one of the … More »

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