The List

Dec. 31, 2008, midnight | By Lucas Alvarado-Farrar, Susie Branson | 16 years, 2 months ago

What's In and Out for 2009

With 2009 just around the bend,

The denizens of Silver Chips Online have brought you a blend

Of the latest predictions that we have penned.

And you ask: What fabulous fads have come to an end?

Well update your status and text all your friends,

You're off to read The List and find out the trends.

Cruising the mallCruising the thrift store
Soulja Boy danceSingle Ladies dance
Throwing money at a problemThrowing a shoe at it instead
Trying to find the dry erase marker

Photo Courtesy of Sanford LP

Trying to find the promethean stylus

Photo Courtesy of Promethean Ltd.

Wall St.Main St.
Being actively social Being socially active
Daniel Radcliffe

Photo Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment

Robert Pattinson

Photo Courtesy of Summit Entertainment LLC

$4 per gallon gas$4 per gallon everything else
Going "Green"Wearing purple
Being a slumlord millionaireBeing a slumdog millionaire

Photo Courtesy of Apple, Inc.


Photo Courtesy of imeem, Inc.

Teachers who get no loveTeachers who get no pay
Whole FoodsTrader Joe's
Joe the Plumber

Photo Courtesy of New England Cable News

Joe the Vice-President

Photo Courtesy of The Campaign to Elect Barack Obama

Reaching into your company's pocketReaching into the government's pocket
Complaining about outdoor pep-ralliesComplaining about indoor pep-rallies
Skinny ModelsSkinny Jeans
25-minute advisories25-minute naps
Winning gold medals for swimming Melting gold metal to pay the mortgage
Noshing on Krispy Kreme

Photo Courtesy of Krispie Kreme Doughnuts Inc.

Munching on Fractured Prune

Photo Courtesy of Fractured Prune Donut Shoppe

Hip Club's Freestyle FridaysSilver Quill Media Center thrills
Charlestown Race and SlotsChesapeake Bay Races and Slots
Academy Day Academy Week
Making AFGMeeting AYP
Drinking skim milkVoting Harvey Milk
No school on snow daysNo school on inauguration days
Miley Cyrus

Photo Courtesy of the Associated Press

Britney Spears

Photo Courtesy of Sony Music Inc.

Election partiesElecting who can come to your party
Hating organized religionHating the religiously organized
Forgetting Sarah MarshallForgetting Sarah Palin
Those Guys?Those Guys!
Indiana Jones

Photo Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

The Dark Knight

Photo Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment

Fighting in IraqFighting to bring'em back
Having whatever you likeLiking whatever you have
The "great" 2008The FINE 2009

Lucas Alvarado-Farrar. Lucas is half Honduran and half American, but all Mexican. He is a New York native and naturally a fan of the Bronx Bombers. Lucas is a senior in CAP, plays soccer and runs track, and likes pretty much any sports activity. He is fond … More »

Susie Branson. Key facts of Susie Branson: she's a junior in CAP, her favorite food is peanut butter, she plays soccer and lacrosse, she can't stand talking on the phone, loves country music, and her favorite ice cream is Phish Food. She is way too competitive for … More »

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