The impossible dream

Jan. 27, 2009, 10:25 a.m. | By Sean Howard | 16 years, 1 month ago

Recently, Fairfax County transportation planners developed a no-cost proposal to deliver high school students to school later in the morning, possibly pushing the starting bell to 8:30 a.m. from 7:20 a.m. Excuse me while I find a suitable outlet for my jealousy.

After my bout of envy subsides, I suppose I'll think wistfully of what would happen if Montgomery County Public Schools started to open high school later. I would have chocolate chip muffins everyday for breakfast everyday instead of bread and water. I would wake up and do long division with this glorious chunk of extra time. My GPA would improve, there would be peace in the Middle East, my grass would cut itself, the recession would end and Sebastian Johnson would come back to be our SMOB.

Sure, some of us would just waste it and stay up an hour longer, thereby defeating its purpose, but others of us would be more in tune with the world. But with each passing year we will have less people to bus around the county. After the year 2011, we'd be able to centralize our buses and allow students a much warranted extra hour of sleep.

Call me crazy, but seeing the sun in the morning during the winter would be nice and that extra hour of sleep would come in handy on pretty much all days ending with a "y."

The least Weast could do would be to give us an extra hour - after all, we did pass AYP.

Sean Howard. There is a spy among us and his name is Sean Howard. Originally from Dallas, Texas, Sean moved to Germantown prior to his current residence in Gaithersburg. Although he has now lived in Maryland for most of his life, he has retained his loyalty to … More »

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