The Homecoming How To's

Oct. 8, 2002, midnight | By Robin Hernandez | 22 years, 5 months ago

The countdown to Homecoming has begun, but are you ready for the big night? Don't wait until the day of the dance for that special person to ask you and be sure to buy your tickets before they sell out. But most importantly, don't forget to have fun.

Finding an outfit that you feel confident and secure in is the first step in a successful night on the town. For the ladies that are looking for a dress, remember that Homecoming is a semi-formal occasion with lots of dancing. Find a dress that makes you feel self-assured and leaves room for a good time. Shoes should be flat and comfortable and allow for movement.

For the lads, your outfit should be relaxed, but keep in mind that the dress code for the dance is more formal than a school day. Dress pants or khakis will make for a nice showing and a polo or button down shirt will be appropriate. Remember that you don't want a stiff tuxedo because the point of the evening is to dance.

For junior Lindsay Hocker, finding the perfect dress meant buying a name brand dress at a designer price. "I know the brand and it's just a Lindsay dress," she says.

Whether or not you're going solo be sure to buy your ticket in the SGA office during lunch. Singles tickets are twelve dollars and couples' twenty.

Because of the price, many students have high expectations for the dance. "It better be good. Twelve dollars is a bit much," says junior Larry Mott.

If you are going to the dance with a special guy or gal, try to arrive in a group. "If your date is really horrible, you still have your friends," junior Elan Brisbane explains.

A corsage is the perfect way to break the ice if you do decide to go with a more intimate approach to the dance. Alimar Florist sells rose corsages starting at $17.50 and carnations starting at $12.50. Alimar Florists is located in Silver Spring at 8648 Colesville Road. The florists recommend placing an order on Friday so that the corsage will be ready by Saturday.

The day of homecoming can be hectic and exciting, so be sure to get all the details taken care of before the dance begins. "Don't leave everything to the last minute," says senior Anita Sanger, who speaks from experience.

Last year Sanger and friends had a hard time finding an outfit at Tyson's Corner and had to resort to last minute arrangements. "Be sure your dress will work," Sanger says wisely.

The few hours junior Kamala Smith has to get ready for the big night are spent getting her nails, hair, and dress ready. Her friends come over and they all get ready for dinner together. "Go out to dinner with friends," Smith advises. "Go with people that you're friends with, that you'll know you'll have fun with," Smith says.

Dinner before the dance can be an intimate setting or social gathering, but keep in mind that it doesn't have to be an elaborate event. "It's not prom," says senior Brian Lee, who is not planning on going out to dinner before the dance.

Mott and junior Rafi Hill share the same sentiment and do not plan to make a big deal out of the dance. Mott says homecoming isn't "anything but an expensive dance."

Getting to the dance does not have to be a cause of stress; carpooling is a great way to arrive at the dance, and if you can't drive ask parents for a lift. A limo is not necessary for the night so try to eat at nearby restaurant. There is a variety of great places in the Silver Spring area.

Although it may be cold the night Homecoming night, do not bring a jacket because there will be no coat-check this year. The check was an unbelievble hassle in past years, so the SGA has decided to abandon the system. "Don't use the coat check; it was horrible [last year]," Sanger warns.

As homecoming creeps closer, be sure you have your ticket and your outfit and you'll be ready to get your groove on at Blair's Homecoming.

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Robin Hernandez. Robin Hernandez is a SENIOR! She works part time as a plumber. Her creative ideas to unclogging toilets have proven to be very successful, as long as she isn't too loud in the process. If you want to enlist her help but can't find her … More »

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