The Blair Boogie: The top 10 pop Christmas songs, period.

Dec. 21, 2012, 5:35 p.m. | By Jacob Buchholz, Langston Taylor, Mimi Verdonk | 11 years, 10 months ago

The Blair Boogie is a weekly blog focusing on what's new in the world of music. Come back next week Friday for the next edition.

Let's talk Christmas music. Not carols, not hymns. Not "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" or "Come All Ye Faithful." In fact, nothing containing the word "ye" at all unless it's pronounced YAY and is referring to Kanye West. We're talking modern, pop Christmas songs that dominate the radio for one twelfth of the year and are nearly forgettable for the rest of it. Songs that were either original classics or were written decades ago and have had more covers than Bed, Bath & Beyond.

Zendaya, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift and Mariah Carey sit atop our list of the best Christmas pop songs. Photo courtesy of Langston Taylor.

Weeks ago, the Authoritative Silver Chips Online Mainstream Contemporary Music Panel of Experts (a.k.a. three seniors that listen to the radio) set out to determine the best pop Christmas songs of our generation. After hours of deliberation, the three of us somehow managed to agree upon 25 songs that are simply better than any others we could think of. We then individually proceeded to rank each item in our collection. After averaging the rankings and lopping off the bottom 15 (because really, a ten-song playlist is long enough), we were left with the Authoritative Silver Chips Online Mainstream Contemporary Music Panel of Experts' Authoritative List of Pop Christmas Songs Arranged by How Close They Are to Being the Best. The top ten list follows our Experts' commentary on the process. (You can see the ones that didn't make the cut here.)

Jacob says:
Christmas music and country music go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly. All the big country stars have country albums, none more prominent than Taylor Swift's "The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection." While the best of Swift's album made the final cut, several of my other top songs did not. Those included Carrie Underwood's "Do You Hear What I Hear?" and Kelly Clarkson's "Grown Up Christmas List."

Mimi says:
Christmas music is my favorite part of the holidays. There are plenty of songs to choose from depending on what makes you feel most festive. Though most of my favorites were listed in the top ten, "Santa Baby" is the best rap Christmas jam of all time and deserves some recognition. Written by Puff Daddy aka P.Diddy aka Sean Combs and featuring Run DMC and Mase, the song's refrain asking for a '98 convertible is both humorous and full of swag. On the opposite end of the spectrum, tween favorite Big Time Rush's "Beautiful Christmas" is light and poppy but equally as representative of the holiday spirit.

Langston says:
All of the songs in the final top five were in my top six, so I'm pretty happy with how the top of the list turned out. I can't believe, though, that "Christmas in Harlem" didn't make the cut. The Teyana Taylor hook is so pleasant and sweet, and the big cast of artists produces seven clever verses. Plus, the song is inclusive: Big Sean proclaims that he's "celebrating ChristmaHanuKwanzaakuh." Also, where's Justin Bieber's "All I Want is You"? No love for The Biebz? Total snub.

10. The Cast of Spongebob Squarepants - "Very First Christmas"

Jacob: This is an absolutely terrible song. I ranked it dead last and somehow it still snuck into the top ten. (25)

Mimi: As an avid Spongebob fan, this song is a flashback to elementary school. The lyrics are cute but witty and though its sung by a cartoon character, it easily rivals other tracks on the list. (6)

Langston: Christmas T.V. specials generally run together, but this song has always stuck out in my mind. It's catchy, funny and innocent, and will have you singing DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA ad nauseum. (8)

9. Ricky Martin - "Ay Ay Ay It's Christmas"

Jacob: It's catchy and fast moving but top ten is a stretch. (12)

Mimi: Ricky Martin adds some much-needed Latin flare to our top ten list. Not only are the lyrics simple and memorable but you can dance along. (5)

Langston: There's really nothing special about this song. I'm not sure what it needs, but it doesn't have it. (20)

8. Taylor Swift - "Santa Baby"

Jacob: This is where the list really gets going. I've only ever heard one version of this song better than Taylor's and that would be Blair's very own IntoneNation's acapella rendition. (2)

Mimi: Taylor Swift doesn't manage to change the feel of the song from the original version. I'm not impressed. (21)

Langston: Swift's upbeat version of this song is truly incredible. I can't listen to it without smiling. The song's been done before, but the young country-pop star's take is a can't-miss. (10)

7. Taylor Swift - "Last Christmas"

Jacob: The more Taylor the better. Another great song made even better by Taylor Swift. (3)

Mimi: Another snooze fest for Taylor Swift. There's nothing special about this rendition to the Christmas classic. (22)

Langston: Looks like I'm splitting the difference between Jacob and Mimi here. It doesn't belong at the top of the list, but nobody does a breakup song better than Swift. The holiday setting only improves this one. (7)

6. Destiny's Child - "8 Days of Christmas"

Jacob: This song has no place in the top ten. It is boring, not particularly catchy and lyrically worthless. (17)

Mimi: Hands down this song should be number one. Beyonce and the crew's twist on "Twelve Days of Christmas,” despite being kind of scandalous, is crank worthy. Destiny's Child manages to be sassy and holiday-spirited all at once. (1)

Langston: I love Beyonce as much as the next guy, but Destiny's Child misses on this one. Their typical skill and delivery makes the track enjoyable, but barely. (13)

5. Mariah Carey - "Oh Santa!"

Jacob: Mariah Carey knows how to do Christmas right. This is not her best holiday song, as you will soon see, but it is worthy of a listen. (11)

Mimi: Compared to "All I want for Christmas is you" this song comes off as whiny. First hearing it, it seems like a song made for a commercial. (16)

Langston: This is my jam. Carey's second-best carol sounds little like the other ones on this list. Seriously, how many Christmas songs do you know that have a soul clap? It's fresh, fun, and memorable. (3)

4. Taylor Swift - "Christmas Must Be Something More"

Jacob: Third time is the charm. In her third appearance on the list, Taylor shows off her religious values as she sings about the deeper meaning of Christmas. (4)

Mimi: I'm not a fan of Taylor Swift but this song is manageable. Admittedly it sounds exactly like "You Belong with Me" just with Christmas lyrics. (12)

Langston: This refreshingly-non-commercial song gives Taylor Swift the three-peat. The way she says "put a wreath up on your door" drives me wild. (2)

3. Justin Bieber - "Mistletoe"

Jacob: If you like Justin Bieber than this is your song. It is not as Christmas centered as some of the others on the list but it combines Bieber's typical love crooning with some holiday spirit. (10)

Mimi: This original song is one of the best off of Bieber's 2011 Christmas album. We hear the voice of an angel, a younger, sweeter sounding Bieber than the cocky pop star today. (2)

Langston: Very good song. The acoustic background and soft vocals remind when Bieber used to be cute and didn't try to rap on his own songs. If you don't at least mouth along "shorty with youuu" you need to get your ears checked. (6)

2. Zendaya - "Shake Santa Shake"

Jacob: Given that this is a pop christmas list I have no problem putting Disney star Zendaya's hit on the list. It is the catchiest song on the list and it will get you moving. (7)

Mimi: Unless you are under the age of 12 you probably haven't heard of Zendaya. But her song dedicated to the "dude in the cherry suit" is surprisingly catchy. I'll be the first to admit I was shakin'. (4)

Langston: The highlight of my month was being introduced to this song. Get over how goofy it is to say "ho ho ho-oh yeah" and just enjoy how beautifully catchy it is. (4)

1. Mariah Carey - "All I Want for Christmas Is You"

Jacob: The SCO experts got it right with this one. My top song took the top overall spot as it was one of only three songs to get good reviews all around. It is everything you could want in a Christmas song and then some. (1)

Mimi: This song is the soundtrack to all of my Christmases past. It's impossible to not sing along with Carey…even if you can't hit all the notes. (4)

Langston: The Christmas Princess reminds us what a real holiday song sounds like. Far and away the best on this list, it holds its own not just as a Christmas song but also as a regular song. I've been known to sing it from December to July. It's that good. (1)

Okay readers. You know our views. Let us know what you think in the comments section below, and Blazers, enjoy your winter break!

Tags: music justin bieber christmas The Blair Boogie Taylor Swift Destiny's Child Mariah Carey Ricky Martin Spongebob Squarepants Zendaya

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