Students enforcing safety in schools

Feb. 10, 2003, midnight | By Griff Rees | 22 years, 1 month ago

Safety committee members will patrol the Montgomery, Silver Spring, and Maryland hallways during lunch, stopping students to check their plan books and IDs starting Monday, February 10.

All students walking in the back hallways must have passes, so students receiving academic support must have teachers sign their plan books. Safety committee members will be identifiable by their orange vests and buttons. During fire drills, committee members will direct student traffic.

According to Mark Curran, this new policy is part of a larger initiative to increase student involvement in school safety. Safety committee members will be "ambassadors," serving as tour guides and hosts to any visitors to the school. This plan has been considered for the last four years and Blair's safety policy is still evolving.

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Griff Rees. Griffith Rees was born on a dreary, humid August 17, 1985 at approximately 2:00 in the afternoon. Near the advent of his fifth birthday Griffith underwent a traumatic and life changing experience: he matriculated at Wyngate Elementary School. After six years and precious few visits … More »

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