String beans and eggs

March 30, 2006, midnight | By Hokuma Karimova | 18 years, 11 months ago

Delectable dish that goods for the bod

What do you get when you mix string beans with eggs? The string beans and eggs dish, which is pretty straight forward to cook and will fill you up quickly.

Preparation time: 40 minutes Serving size: 4

Zesty taste that is bound to leave your taste buds wanting more.  Photo courtesy of Hokuma Karimova.

- 1 chopping board
- 1 knife
- 1 pan
- 1 skillet
- 1 fork
- 1 plate

- 2 cups of string beans
- 1 onion
- 2 eggs
- Salt/pepper (according to preference)


1. Wash the 2 cups of string beans and then clean the string beans of the tails by cutting them off.

2. Cut up the beans into small pieces on a cutting board.

3. Put the string beans into a pan with water and put on a gas plate to cook - take off the plate when the beans become soft and a lighter shade of green (can check the softness by pressing on the beans with a fork).

4. Cut up the onions on the chopping board. Put a skillet on the gas plate and transfer the chopped onions into the skillet to fry.

5. Once the onion has fried add eggs to fry with the onion.

6. When the frying is finished, move the string beans from the pan into the skillet.

7. Add salt/pepper as preferred.

8. Enjoy.

Hokuma Karimova. Hokuma is a fun and happy person, who has been described by some as crazy and eccentric. She is ecstatic to be part of the Silver Chips Online staff and hopes to someday fulfill the legacy that her older sister left behind. One thing that … More »

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