Spirit week to culminate in spring pep rally

April 30, 2007, midnight | By Iliya Smithka | 17 years, 10 months ago

All-new Friday schedule peps it up from former rallies

This week marks the spring spirit week that will end with a pep rally on Friday, which is the first school-wide pep rally since the Fall 2003 Homecoming.

Spirit week includes Backwards Day on Monday, Toga Day on Tuesday, Culture Day on Wednesday, Tropical Day on Thursday and School Colors day on Friday.

This year's spring pep rally will be held during sixth period. On Friday, second and fourth period will be shortened and 5A and 5B will run as scheduled. After 5B, the whole school will go to the stadium during sixth period for a pep rally.

The only change to the pep rally will be additional skits put on by spring sports teams to make the show "more entertaining," said senior Margaret Khan. The last half of the period will include the first powder puff football game in several years.

Iliya Smithka. Iliya Smithka will graduate from neither the CAP nor the Magnet Program. However, she somehow managed to get a decent education. While representing no particular program during her stint on Silver Chips Online, Iliya was a spectacular staff writer, although she never really mastered the … More »

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