Software malfunction prompts Blair's schedule changes

Sept. 7, 2010, 8:58 p.m. | By Alison Kronstadt | 14 years, 6 months ago

Periods renamed in order to make schedule formatting easier

At the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year, periods 5A and 5B were renamed periods 5 and 6 respectively and period 8 was renamed period 9. Odd days and Even days are now Red and White days, respectively.

Blazers now either eat during 5th or 6th period lunch, rather than 5A and 5B.  Photo courtesy of Emma Lansworth.

The changes in period labels will not affect the bell schedule. "[This is not] a new schedule but just [a] renaming [of] our two lunch periods, which impacted the afternoon classes," Principal Darryl Williams said.

The changes were made largely to make schedule formatting easier because the labels "5A" and "5B" caused computer malfunctions. "The computer program that we use to develop student schedules did not recognize 5A and 5B as class periods, and therefore there was the change," Williams said.

Guidance counselor Daryl Howard said that he found the changes "inconsequential" and that "the only difference is that I don't have to look to see whether a teacher teaches 5A or 5B."

Blazers have received the news with mixed feelings. Junior Sofi Sinozich expressed irritation toward the changes."[The school] didn't give a reason for changing something that never really seemed to bother anyone before," she said.

Senior Evan Holliday felt that the changes did not do anything except give Blazers new terminology to which they must adjust. "The schedule is not that confusing, but it doesn't really help at all," he said. "It just seems kind of pointless to change the other one."

Alison Kronstadt. Alison Kronstadt is happiest when she's making you laugh, so tell her her stories are funny or she'll cry. She has a lot of opinions and hopes you like to read them. She wrote her first bio when she was an awkward little junior and … More »

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