snoWatch: Back with a vengeance…and a chopper

Dec. 4, 2005, midnight | By Christopher Consolino, Grace Harter, Alex Mazerov | 19 years, 3 months ago


Upstaging last year's 110 percent accuracy, this year's batch of multi-talented journameteorologists are kicking off the snoWatch season with an unheard of 9.99 percent more precision – free! It's a Christmas – excuse us – "holiday" special.

According to our allegedly trustworthy friends at NOAA, there is a 50 percent chance of 1-2 inches of snow accumulation on Monday after 1 p.m. and a well-deserved 80 percent chance of 3-5 inches of accumulation during Monday night. But here at snoWatch, we've learned a thing or two about embellishing acurizing our predictions.To collect such mind-bogglingly accurate data look to our very own Grace Harter in the one-of-a-kind SCOpter, courtesy of the MBHS slush fund (Yeah. You heard us. Ever wonder why it costs five bucks for an ID?).

snoWatch predictions:

Chance of early release (Monday): 3 percent

Chance of delay (Tuesday): 60 percent

Change of closure (Tuesday): 35 percent

Margin of error: like we'd ever lie to you

There seems to be no hope for getting out of school on Monday, but Tuesday is looking good. Provided that it begins snowing late enough and long enough, we could be looking at a two-hour delay or maybe even a snow day.

So put those PJs on inside out, throw ice cubes out the window and perform any other snow ritual there is to get us a day off!

snoWatch question: Where is Jeremy, the fourth editor-in-chief and, more importantly, snoWatch team member? If found, please return to room 165.

NOTE: As of noon on Monday, snow predictions vary from site to site. Currently, still predicts between three and five inches of accumulation tonight, while NOAA has reduced their forecast to between one and three inches. Our recommendation: Do your homework (just in case).

2:10 p.m.: It's official, the snow is coming down over Blair!

Last updated: May 4, 2021, 12:53 p.m.

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Christopher Consolino. Christopher Consolino is a senior in Communication Arts Program. If Chris had free time, he would spend it practicing piano and taking pictures with his 15 year-old Minolta. He would also like to stress how much better wet process photography is than digital. Most of … More »

Grace Harter. Grace Harter is currently a CAP senior at Blair. She loves anything British, books, music, movies and of course Silver Chips Online. She'd like to close with a quote from "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" that is especially profound (and makes reference to her ultimate favorite … More »

Alex Mazerov. Alex "Maz" Mazerov is currently a SENIOR in the Magnet program. He was born on March 7, 1988 in Washington D.C. and moved to Silver Spring, where he currently resides, when he was four. When not working or procrastinating, Alex can be found playing soccer … More »

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