
Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | By KC Costanzo | 55 years, 2 months ago

Before you put your pajamas on backwards and do the snow dance, remember we've already had four snow days. A fifth would mean more school tacked on at the end of the year . . . unless of course you're a senior.

While the snow failed to accumulate on Monday, there's still a faint glimmer of hope for snow late tonight. Here's what is predicting:

» Tonights's Low: 30°

» Flurries between 9 pm and 2 am.

Check the Silver Chips Online weather page for additional information, including a link to real-time weather conditions at Blair.

MCPS weather policies can be found on their Emergency Closing Procedures page.

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KC Costanzo. Keith "KC" Costanzo is one of the brand-spanking-new editors-in-chief of <i>Silver Chips Online</i>. His responsibilities include maintaining the journalistic integrity of the paper and making sure no one spontaneously combusts due to the stress of deadlines. KC enjoys late night frisbee games and long hours … More »

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