Sinclair twins dominate Woodward relays

Sept. 9, 2003, midnight | By Vivek Chellappa | 21 years, 6 months ago

Top boys team place eleventh

A team of two freshmen took first place in the girls section of the Woodward relays on September 8,2003 at Walter Johnson High School.

The top girls team of freshmen twins Ashlyn and Halsey Sinclair won the girls event with a dominating performance of 24:54. "They looked bored," cross country coach Angelique Bosse noted. The top boys team of Matt Sheldon and Esey Kidane placed 11th in the boys competition with a time of 33:17.

The girl's section ran a four-mile relay run by teams of two, with each girl alternating miles. The boys ran a total of six miles in the same manner.

The Woodward Relay event is an individual competition, with pairs of students competing against 18 other schools.

The relay did expose some weaknesses Bosse hopes to fix for the next relay event. "I think we should have practiced hand-offs. Those were ugly," she remarked.

The Sinclair twin's dominating performance could mean good things to come for the team. "They're going to be top competitors in the county, and probably in the state," Bosse said. Despite the youth of the Sinclair twins, they are experienced runners. "They've been running for years. They're still getting used to running cross-country, because they've mostly run on track before," Bosse said.

The first regular season competition will take place on Monday September 15th, at Quince Orchard High School.

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Vivek Chellappa. As Vivek beings his final year in Blair, several new hobbies draw his attention: his passion for standup comedy and making lists with only one real piece of information. Vivek has recently developed a strong liking for the works of Mitch Hedberg, Dave Chapelle and … More »

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