Silver Chips Online's official Halloween guide

Oct. 28, 2005, midnight | By Lois Bangiolo, Merlyn Deng | 19 years, 4 months ago

An extra sweet Halloween

The weather is getting colder. The rain is pouring down. The leaves are changing color. Little monsters are jumping off the walls on sugar highs. It seems that that spooky time of the year has finally come once again.

Not only is it Halloween in a few days, this year's Halloween is also extra sweet. Blazers don't have to worry about staying out too late, since the next day is a Professional Day for teachers. With no school the next morning, Blazers are free to enjoy more than just a few hours of trick-or-treating. So, not sure what to do with this extra time? Silver Chips Online is here to help inspire you with a list of activities that Blazers have planned for this Halloween.

1. Trick-or-treating
Although adults say it's just for kids, the appeal of trick-or-treating has not worn off for many Blazers. High-schoolers will still take to the streets, decked out in spooky costumes (or not) to join the ranks of little monsters to rake in their own sugary loot.

2. Or …Just treating
If it's a candy fix you want, head to the nearest CVS or grocery store and grab a bag of candy from the overstuffed orange-and-black aisles. Or, if you're a cheapskate, you can wait for the day after Halloween to get bags and bags of discounted post-season candies. (Hint: This is a great way to stock up for the rest of the year's candy cravings, but please don't save stale candy for next year's Halloween).

3. Party!
Some Blazers will take advantage of the day off to throw or attend a Halloween party. SCO suggests gathering some friends and enjoying Halloween with candy and movies, as sophomores Christina Mullen and KayCee Tucker. "We're having a party at someone's house and get psyched for the whole Halloween thing," says Mullen. "We're going to be up really late watching scary movies and eating junk food."

4. Watching scary movies
Even if you are not at a party, there's nothing better than renting a couple of scary movies for some chills and thrills with your friends, family or just by yourself. Sophomore Valencia Wallen has made scary movie night a tradition in her Halloween festivities. "I've watched [scary movies] for three years in a row. I watched Childplay 1 and 2, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Saw." Just don't let this dark night of ghosts and goblins get to you. Aside from renting movies, indulge yourself (or terrorize yourself) by taking in the newest horror flicks in your local movie theater. The psychotic thriller "Saw II" or "Fog" are a couple prime examples.

5. Egging houses
Some Blazers act out the "trick" part of "trick or treat" by egging houses and cars. But think of all the Halloween cookies those eggs could make instead.

6. Fright Fest
If you've got money to spend, head out to Six Flags America's Fright Fest in Largo, MD on Friday Oct. 28, Saturday Oct. 29 or Sunday Oct. 30. "You can go around, get candy, win candy and go on rides," according to junior Shanikia Warren. This year's activities include: The Midnight Express Haunted Train, the House of Horrors and the Kooky Karaoke, as well as the usual rides and attractions. With an admission fee of $25.99 online or $39.99 at the gate, this option is horrifically pricey.

7. Volunteer
To combine the Halloween spirit with community spirit, members of Blair's Key Club will volunteer Friday Oct. 28 at Wheaton Regional Park's Ghost Train. If you need student service learning hours or simply want to help out and have some fun with kids, volunteering is a great way to give back to the community, while also dressing up in costume and celebrating Halloween.

Even teachers have gotten into the helping Halloween spirit. NSL teacher Kevin Shindel is planning to get his candy stash while spending some quality time with kids. "I'm walking my two children around the neighborhood and snatching as many bags of candy from little kids as I can," he jokes. US History teacher Anne Manuel will also add to the scare with the hillbilly teeth she will wear when handing out candy.

English teacher Megan Webb is doing what a lot of Blazers are doing: Attending a party. Like the rest of the Blair teachers, Webb has to restrict her Halloween festivities for just the weekend. "We've got work even though you guys don't," she says.

Blazers, take Ms. Webb's words to heart, and savor this year an extra bit more, it isn't every day when you get a day off after Halloween!

Lois Bangiolo. Lois Bangiolo was born on March 14, pi day, an auspicious date as she is now in the math-science magnet. In addition to writing for Silver Chips Online she runs track and is secretary of the MBHS Key Club. More »

Merlyn Deng. Merlyn (Mer - LEEN) has an unhealthy fixation on Silver Chips Online, the Silver Chips Manifesto, red pens and serial commas. When not editing stories and racking her brain for SCO and its readers, she may be found haunting Blair's hallways or downtown Silver Spring. … More »

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