SGA plans September 11 commemoration

Sept. 10, 2003, midnight | By Kathy Wang | 21 years, 6 months ago

As the two-year anniversary for September 11 approaches, SGA has been planning ways to commemorate those who died.

On Thursday morning, SGA officers will recite an original poem during the announcements. According to first vice president Brian Koss, "The poem is intended to inspire reflection and respect, and help calm uneasy emotions among students."

SGA recognizes how difficult it may be for students to express their feelings about 9-11. "We want to help students connect their thoughts and feelings through listening to a poem," said SGA sponsor Rondai Ravilious.

A memory wall will be set up outside of the SAC, in front of the school store. On the wall, students can write messages on a large sheet of paper to pay tribute to those who suffered on September 11, 2001. "SGA did this last year, and many students responded very well to the idea," Ravilious said.

So far, SGA is the only organization sponsoring the event. "We welcome other clubs to come up with more ways to honor 9-11," said Koss.

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Kathy Wang. Kathy Wang, a Magnet junior, is funny, blissful, ambitious, impatient, and a sucker for spell-check. She loves listening to just about all genres of music and going to the movies. Her favorite movie starts are Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. Her favorite movie of all … More »

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