SGA plans a month of events

April 17, 2007, midnight | By Boris Vassilev | 17 years, 6 months ago

Pep rally, battle of the bands and elections highlight next school weeks

As fourth quarter flies past, the school year may be slowing down, but the Blair SGA is certainly not winding down. With a host of activities planned for the coming two months, the SGA plans to end the school year with a bang. Here is a look at what the SGA has planned for Blazers during that time.

Friday, April 20

Blair Fair - Hosting in the bus parking lot, the SGA has joined up with Blair Fair this year to bring entertainment to some of the younger (and older) students of the area. The fair includes games like a dunk tank stocked with teachers, a rock wall and of course, cotton candy, among other attractions. Entry fee is $0.50.

Saturday, April 21

Creek Cleanup Day - A chance for Blazers to earn some extra community service hours, Creek Cleanup Day involves spending part of the day working on clearing out the trash buildup in Sligo Creek. All those interested in attending should contact the cleanup's coordinator, Molly Martinez.

Monday, April 23

Election Convention - Three assemblies will be held, each one showcasing a short presentation from both SMOB candidates: Will Bucher and Ben Moskowitz. Following the campaigning by the SMOB hopefuls, former SMOB and '06 Blair graduate Sebastian Johnson is expected to speak to each of the assemblies about the importance of education.

Tuesday, April 24 and Wednesday, April 25

SMOB and School Counsels Election Day - Students will be taken by their English or ESOL teaches during class to vote for their class' and the school's executive SGA, as well as cast their ballots for SMOB.

Monday, April 30 through Friday, May 4

Spirit Week - Blazers willing to show their school spirit will be wearing each of the Spirit day's designated costume during this week and will be entertained by scheduled club performances in the SAC during both lunches.

Friday, May 4

Pep Rally and Battle of the Bands - Following a special agreement with the administration, the SGA has arranged for students to have shortened blocks for their period 2, 4 and 6 classes, so that they all fit before regularly scheduled lunch. Following the lunch period, all classes will be seated at the stadium, where the first all-school outdoor pep rally will be held since the current seniors were freshmen in the fall of 2003, according the SGA President Eric Hysen. During the pep rally, the SGA has scheduled spring as well as winter sports, whose winter pep rally was cancelled, to showcase their teams. In addition, during the rally the next year's class counselors will be announced and the much anticipated Powder-Puff game will be held. Following the pep rally, students will be encouraged to attend a Battle of the Bands featuring many Blair students and bands from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Saturday, May 5

Cinco de Mayo Dance - The Cinco de Mayo Dance is still in the works by the 2008 Class SGA. Currently, volunteers are needed to help with dance ideas and design, set-up and management. Interested Blazers should contact 2008 SGA President Noah Sennett.

Boris Vassilev. THIS IS BORIS'S FIRST BIO EVER! Squirrels in the Montgomery Blair area have recently filed a restraining order against Boris. He copped their nuts and borrowed their hairstyles. (Just look at his legs!) More »

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