Seniors to attend career and college fair next week

Oct. 6, 2004, midnight | By Jeffrey Dunn, Emma Norvell | 20 years, 5 months ago

Event to take place while underclassmen take the PSAT

Seniors are required to attend a career planning and college fair on Oct. 13 while freshmen, sophomores and juniors are taking the PSAT, according to Career and College Coordinator Sharon Williams.

Similar to last year, attendance will be mandatory for all students, including seniors. Seniors are to report to the gym, where counselors and career center staff will give a brief talk before students proceed to the various stations. Seniors will be exposed to different career and college opportunities, including the Gifted and Talented Program at the National Security Agency.

Counselors will be available to answer any questions about the college application process. Seniors will be encouraged to sign up for a FAFSA pin number, the first step in receiving financial aid for college. Also, students will receive accounts to access TCCi, a new software package to advise students in the college application process.

Representatives from the following colleges will be present at the fair:

  • Allegany College of Maryland
  • Barnard College
  • Columbia Union College
  • George Mason University
  • Howard University
  • ITT Technical Institute
  • Northface University
  • Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey at New Brunswick
  • St. Mary's College of Maryland
  • The George Washington University
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
  • Western Carolina University

For more information, visit the Career Center website.

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Jeffrey Dunn. Jeffrey Dunn was the 2004-2005 Technical Editor of Silver Chips Online. In Fall 2004, Jeff designed and developed an entirely new version of the website. The new version was built completely from scratch, featuring more secure code, easily expandable sections, and a new user-friendly administration … More »

Emma Norvell. E nergetic M onstrously cool M agnanimous A wesome N ot a dumb blonde (sike!) O utstandingly clever R ampantly nice V a va voom! E xcellent at croquet L oves Harry Potter L ovely More »

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