Seniors showcase art in the library

May 5, 2004, midnight | By Robin Hernandez | 20 years, 10 months ago

Four seniors will be displaying their photographs, drawings and paintings in an art exhibit in the library from May 5 to May 14.

Seniors Ariel Wilchek, Jamie Kovach, Amina Baird and KellyAnne Mifflin organized their artwork into an exhibition entitled "Changing Room." Self-portraits and ink and acrylic prints are among some of the pieces featured in the show.

The seniors wanted to give the school a taste of what they have created during their high-school career. "It's really fun to get to show off what we've been working on," said Mifflin.

Seniors enrolled in any art class are given the opportunity to sign up for a show and display their work. But, so far, no one else has decided to participate, according to Mifflin.

Tags: print

Robin Hernandez. Robin Hernandez is a SENIOR! She works part time as a plumber. Her creative ideas to unclogging toilets have proven to be very successful, as long as she isn't too loud in the process. If you want to enlist her help but can't find her … More »

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