Senior class raises funds at Spirit Night

April 9, 2005, midnight | By Feza Kikaya | 19 years, 11 months ago

Students show off talent in an enjoyable evening

The senior class and SGA sponsored Spirit Night to raise money for the class on Thursday. The event was co-hosted by HOT 99.5 and gave students the opportunity to show off their entertainment skills.

The show began with seniors Rebecca Elias and SGA representative Shewit Woldu introducing DJ Freestyle and J-Niice from 99.5. Throughout the evening, Niice entertained the crowd between transitions while Freestyle spun records for each group.

The cheerleaders began with routines that included flips, cheers and lifts, all of which received positive reactions from the crowd. The girls informed the audience that they were "'bout to throw 'dem bows" as they split into two teams and danced to Brooke Valentine's hit, "Girlfight."

Senior Silvia Huezo and junior Chauncea Carothers displayed their original clothing designs when models from the Fashion Club strutted down the gym floor with style and determination in their eyes. All the designs were colorful and truly resembled those found on the runaway in the fashion world. Each model also sported three-inch heels.

Niice prepared the crowd for the next segment of the evening that he termed "soul" as senior Anitra Turner stepped on stage and recited an original poem titled "I Display Knowledge." With conviction, Turner pointed out the harsh realities of life and urged her audience to listen carefully to her message. With lines like "I'm that sister that displays knowledge to all those kids that never got an Easter basket" and "I display knowledge to my virgins who put trust before luck because our bodies are temples," Turner received resounding approval that indicated that her hearers were listening to her every truthful word.

Seniors Josh Gilmore and Jenny Metellus continued on Turner's soulful lead as they sang a gospel number that had the crowd rocking to their tunes and clapping along. The singers instructed the audience, "Don't listen to what people might say/ the storm won't last always" and ended with cheers from their audience.

The Caribbean Club was next to bring the crowd to their feet as they danced to familiar reggae tunes. The girls' choreographed, rhythmic routine added to their unity, which was displayed by their corresponding outfits; each member wore black pants with either red, white or black shirts.

Junior Rachel Martin took the gym to the Middle East as she performed a lengthy belly-dancing routine and awed the crowd with her flexibility. Martin demonstrated her expertise as she skillfully moved her waist and upper body to an Indian-sounding selection.

Niice brought the crowd "back to our backyard" as he introduced Entropy, a Blair rock band that consists of a drummer, two guitarists, a female lead singer and guitarist. The group's passion and skill added to the evening.

The Break Dancing Club was next to hit the floor and awed the crowd with their talent. Each student took turns pacing forward and twisting into positions that received well-deserved cheers from their observers.

The Boys Step Team followed and executed a well-choreographed, rhythmic routine. The Girls Step Team added to their performance when they appeared after their male counterparts and clapped familiar beats such as the "Noila Clap" heard in the song by rapper Juvenile. Both step teams came out in unison and skillfully performed each step as though they were second nature.

Blair's Reggaeton Band was next to hit the floor and played tunes that had the crowd dancing to the beat of their music.

The following segment of the evening took the crowd to a different part of the globe; girls in the Middle Eastern Club graced the gym floors in their light, two-layered skirts with either gold or silver-colored bangles around their hips. The girls added to Martin's earlier belly dancing routine as they moved their hips and arms in a skillful sequence.

Turner took the floor once more and recited another poem that brought her to tears. Upon completion of her recital, she received support in the form of hugs from two appreciative audience members.

The Diva Dancers were second last to perform and immediately satisfied the crowd's anticipation. Sporting black pants and white, short-sleeved collar shirts with red vests, the girls executed an effortless and flawless routine to songs such as J. Lo's "Get Right" and Beenie Man's "King of the Dancehall."

The evening drew to a close as go-go band S.U.B. cranked up beats while many students in the audience rushed to the floor and danced along.

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Feza Kikaya. Feza Kikaya is finally a SENIOR in the CAP program at Blair. She enjoys driving, hanging out with friends and laughing. Most importantly, Feza is counting down the days to graduation so she can begin a new chapter of her life in college. Her favorite … More »

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