School year extended due to snow

March 4, 2003, midnight | By Robin Hernandez | 22 years ago

The Montgomery County School Board has approved Superintendent Jerry Weast's proposal for make-up school days due to weather emergency. The school year has been extended by two days, so that school officially ends Jun 20. The professional day originally scheduled for teachers on Wednesday, Mar 19, has been cancelled and schools will be operating as an even day for students.

Dr. Nancy S. Grasmick, the State Superintendent of Schools, has also granted a waiver for two school days lost during the state of emergency created by the snowstorm in early February.

As of Jan 6, MCPS had used up all its available snow days. If additional school time is lost due to weather emergencies and causes school closures, delayed openings, or early dismissals, other measures will be taken. Options include extending the school day during the remainder of the school year and using days from spring break (April 14-17) to make up for loss time. The state superintendent has also offered the possibility of using state-mandated school holidays.

By Feb 28 MCPS had exhausted ten snow days. For more information, check the MCPS homepage.

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Robin Hernandez. Robin Hernandez is a SENIOR! She works part time as a plumber. Her creative ideas to unclogging toilets have proven to be very successful, as long as she isn't too loud in the process. If you want to enlist her help but can't find her … More »

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