Radical changes to county curriculum proposed

Feb. 6, 2003, midnight | By Josh Gottlieb-Miller | 22 years, 1 month ago

The Montgomery County Board of Education tentatively approved a revised Grading and Reporting policy (available here) January, 14. The new policy recommends making grades consistent throughout county schools as well as unifying curriculum and state assessments.

Interims, attendance, grading and the final exam's weighting are all affected by the suggested curriculum changes. Steps would also be taken to improve communication between teachers and students, with frequent feedback from teachers to parents.

Furthermore, the weighting of final exams would be 30%, rather than the current 25%. Weighting the final exam's higher has angered some students. "It's terrible. It's horrible. Because [final exams] are not a reflection of the kind of student you are just how you test. I've never been so opposed to a decision by the administration. I'm actually furious," said junior Jordan McCraw.

The proposed policy suggests ending loss of credit (LC) regulations. Blair students have responded favorably to the new mandate. "[Ending loss of credit] is the smartest idea I've ever heard in my life," according to senior Lisa Jaeggi.

Under the new policy, interims would be sent to all students. High school courses passed in middle school would become automatic rather than optional credit for the student and a quality point would now be added to weighted GPAs for C's in honor courses.

There will be a community meeting regarding the changes Thursday, February 13, in the SAC.

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