PTSA minigrants available for Blair community

Oct. 23, 2006, midnight | By Julia Mazerov | 17 years, 12 months ago

Deadline for grants this week

The grant applications are due on Wednesday, Oct. 25. The Blair PTSA has announced that they will be providing minigrants of up to $500 for projects headed by staff members, parents or guardians, students and other community members. Large-scale minigrants provide up to $500 for projects that benefit the entire school, a whole grade or at least 500 students. Smaller-scale minigrants award up to $200 for projects that can help fewer than 500 students.

The Minigrant Committee will review all applications and make its selections at the November PTSA meeting. Past minigrant awardees include SGA events, the SPARC Program, Athletic Academic Study Hall and W.E.B. Dubois Honor Society SAT Prep.

For more information about the minigrants or partipating in the Minigrant Committee, contact Gail Peck at (301) 587-1714 or, or Linda Kahn at (301) 565-2651 or

Grant applications are available here.

Julia Mazerov. Julia: -is a SEENIORRRR -is obsessed with Entourage -makes to-do lists like it's her job -takes naps a lot -is a riflery pro -goes to lots of concerts -has a weakness for cute tote bags, Starbucks Java Chip Ice Cream, and Kate Harter More »

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