President visits local high school

Oct. 31, 2001, midnight | By Robert Day | 23 years, 4 months ago

President Bush visited Thomas S. Wootton High School on October 30 to launch a program to provide resources for learning about American values.

Bush asked all schools to invite a veteran to their school to speak about their experiences, the significance of Veterans Day, and the ideals of liberty, democracy, and freedom. Shortly after the 16 minute speech, Bush signed a proclamation declaring the week of November 11 as National Veterans Awareness Week.

The "Lessons of Liberty" initiative launched is intended to provide students and teachers the resources to learn more about America and it's values. Resources provided by this initiative include classroom material, activities, and contacts to veterans as guest speakers.

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Robert Day. Robert is currently a senior enrolled in the Montgomery Blair High School Magnet Program. Son of two Asian parents makes Robert Chinese. If you didn't make the connection, it also makes him Asian. Born on the 25th of February of 1984 means Robert is a … More »

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