Poster contest deadline extended

Sept. 2, 2004, midnight | By Caitlin Garlow | 20 years, 6 months ago

$100 prize to be awarded

All Blair students interested in winning $100 are encouraged to enter the annual summer reading poster contest. Entries should be submitted to the student's English teacher by Sept. 13.

The original deadline for the poster contest was Friday, Sept. 3, but that date has now been extended. Five prizes will be awarded, including a grand prize of $100, two prizes of $50 and two prizes of $25. Examples of summer reading posters are on display in the media center showcase.

Previous contest winners from the last two years include Julia Chiplis and cartoonist Eric Shansby. For more information, contact Vickie Adamson in the English department.

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Caitlin Garlow. Caitlin is a second-semester senior at last. Her favorite things include making fun of her homeless sister and hunting down her clothes in other people's closets. More »

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