Parking permit applications delayed

Sept. 9, 2006, midnight | By Will Bucher | 18 years, 6 months ago

Lot continues to function on a first come first serve basis

Blair parking spot permit applications have been delayed due to problems with IDs and a permit application overhaul, according to Business Manager Jim Funk, who said that bringing closure to the ID policy takes precedence over parking distribution.

The new distribution of parking permits has yet to be finalized but is said to have changed from last year's system. According to Barun Aryal, 2005-2006 SGA President, assignment of parking spaces used to be left up to a student committee consisting of the school, vice, senior and junior presidents. Spaces were assigned based on after school clubs and extracurriculars. "Clubs that often require staying late or traveling distances in order to function, such as Silver Chips, tended to be ranked high," Aryal said.

Seniority also played a larger role in previous applications. Under the old system senior applications typically were sifted through before other grades were considered. Under the new system seniority is only a tie breaker, meaning that juniors with after school commitments may be more likely to get a parking spot than in previous years.

Grades may also affect applications. In previous years a 2.0 grade point average was required to apply but now grades may have an effect in preference, although this is not final and will not necessarily be factored into the new application. "Just because [a person] has a 4.0 and another one has a 3.0 doesn't mean only [the first] can play quarterback for the football team," said Funk's secretary.

These criteria are unlike second semester applications last year, which were simply handed out on a first come, first serve basis. There is nothing to suggest that students who get their applications in later, so long as it is not after the due date, will be at any disadvantage compared to those who were more prompt.

Last year parking space applications were due in early September but this year they are expected to be due considerably later as the applications are not yet available. First semester last year Funk reported that there were 900 applications for 150 spaces, a 350 percent increase from the first semester during the 2002 school year, which had 196 applicants.

Will Bucher. Will Bucher graduated Montgomery Blair in 2008 and now attends Washington University in St. Louis. <!-- Will Bucher, or Rooster as he is known by a select few, enjoys all things fun. Some of his main interests include running, SGA, and partying. Will also enjoys … More »

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