Nifty gifties, SCO-style

Dec. 8, 2008, midnight | By Jenna Bushnell, Katie Sint | 16 years, 3 months ago

Time to take those hard-earned wages from your part-time job and invest them in the wonderful world of gift-giving

As fun as it is waiting in line for 35 minutes at The Gap to get your mom that cable-knit sweater that she already has in every other color, we at Silver Chips Online have created a holiday gift guide to make this festive season filled with creative and thoughtful packages.

Never again will you have to hear "oh hey, neat-o...wool socks...just what I wanted..." from your friends. No longer will you hold the title of "worst gift giver" in your family. Consider last year the final time you ever had to console your sobbing secret Santa giftee. With this 2008 holiday gift guide, we're here to make sure that you give your loved ones only the best and most unique gifts this winter.

It's a's's a Slanket! Picture courtesy of SkyMall.

Significant other:

Has your significant other ever dropped the line "Man, it's cold in here...I wish I had something to drape over my shoulders" while out on a date? Well, no worries! SCO's great gift choice for your better half is none other than the revolutionary Slanket. A sweater-blanket hybrid, the Slanket (blanket with sleeves) allows your better half to keep warm while leaving their hands accessible for eating, texting and, of course, hand-holding. The Slanket comes available in five exotic colors: Blue Limoges, Chocolate, Moss Green, Pink Lavender and Ruby Wine. SCO suggests you choose the one that makes their eyes pop against the shimmering winter wonderland.


You've probably heard your mom bicker about driving you to and from your soccer practices and games; you probably feel bad for her because of the back pain she now suffers from carrying post-game juice boxes across the field. Help take that stress off of your mom's spine by getting her the SCOoter (capitalization ours)! No one could every be embarrassed by a parent with a fresh new set of wheels that doubles as a beverage dispenser! (May we also suggest tricking out your mom's scooter so she can be the flyest mom in the neighborhood? Fo' SCO, dawg!)


When it's time to kick back and watch some football, there is nothing more annoying than inability to locate the remote. The frantic search for the remote can often lead to frustration, anger, despair and, in some cases, tears for fathers across the nation. With the Football Universal TV Remote , lost remotes will be a thing of the past. With its rounded shape, it will not slip in between the sofa cushions and will get any football enthusiast to put on his game face in time for the kick-off.

The motorized beverage cooler (person sold separately). Picture courtesy of SkyMall.


If your grandparents are anything like ours, they rock those orthopedic, scruffy...well, grandparent shoes. Remind them of the fun of their youth with the perfect pair of gravity-defying boots . Perfect for both the indoors and the outdoors, these anti-gravity boots can be strapped over their favorite shoes and will add an exhilarating spring to their step (literally). As an added bonus, they'll be the envy of every young hooligan on the block.

Younger siblings:

Every good older sibling feels a small twinge of guilt when they can't satisfy their younger sibling's need for attention. For the times we can't be there, SCO is proud to introduce of the world's smallest humanoid robot . We can't even begin to describe the sheer SCOolness of our favorite SCObot. From his 180 different programmed movements to his ability to reenact cowboy duels, he might even be a better older sibling than you.

Older siblings:

Sure, the iPod is cool and the new iPhone is even cooler. But one huge negative of these devices is their tiny screens. Here at SCO, we know how important it is for your older sibs to have an IMAX theater at the tip of their eyelashes. That's why we've got you covered with the video iWear for iPods ! These nifty little sunglasses virtually display whatever you are watching in a big screen display. More importantly, they'll leave people saying "iWish iHad a great younger sibling that got me some iWear."


For all students who have felt that uncontrollable urge to rest their heads on their desk during a lecture to doze off, try and imagine how exhausted our teachers must feel, repeating the same lesson multiple times in one day. In order to alleviate some of that fatigue and exhaustion, we recommend the amazing Relax N Nap Pillow. Neat and compact, the pillow fits nicely on a teacher's desk and allows them to get some shut-eye during the six-minute intervals of class transition time.

Perfect for grandmother, grandfather and everyone else over 50. Picture courtesy of SkyMall.

Best friend:

Nothing shows your Best Friend Forever that you care about them more than giving them some well-deserved personalized bling. If you can't afford to deck your friend out with some jewelry Snoop Dogg style, resort to the Fashion and Craft Kit . Bling-bling is back and with these bracelets, made with painstaking time and effort, you will show your friend just how much you care and just how talented you are in the ancient art of bling jewelry.


Got that person who does not fit under one of our categories? Anyone will be thrilled to see the SCO-2 D-2 gift wrapped under their non-denominational specific holiday shrub! Anyone appreciates a robot to help around the house (or around the Chips lab... hint hint).

Jenna Bushnell. Jenna Bushnell likes sunshine and funfetti cupcakes. In her free time she enjoys excavating ancient Mayan temples, choreographing classic Broadway revivals, and smiling at strangers. For the right price, she will recite all of the words to "Rock Yo Hips" by Crime Mob. More »

Katie Sint. Katie Sint is 5 foot 2 and her last name rhymes with "squint" which has lead to the creation of many Asian jokes. Katie likes Sour Patch kids, Iron chef, laughing, Bubble Shooter, The Office and naps. She plays volleyball and is a CAP junior. More »

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