New honor code prompts concern

Feb. 7, 2002, midnight | By Nora Toiv | 23 years, 1 month ago

A new honor code developed by the administration and several faculty members was released today raising concerns about its significance and worth.

Teachers went over the honor code in class and then students were asked to sign a form saying they "understand, support, and agree to follow Montgomery Blair's Honor Code." If a student refused to sign it, teachers were told to send the student to their administrator's office.

According to an informal poll of 50 people, 33 people did not support the honor code but most signed it anyway. Out of the 50 people polled, eight people said they supported the honor code and nine said they were indifferent.

Some teachers have a different perspective on the honor code. "All it does is promote honesty," said social studies teacher Karen Zeh.

Psychology teacher Eliot Applestein said that he think students should have an honor code but that it should be "a voluntary thing."

Social studies teacher Patricia Anderson thinks the honor code is
necessary but does not agree with the way the school went about making it. "While I understand the reasons for [an honor code], an honor counsel without student representation, parent representation, or teacher representation is not a true representation of Blair."

All comments relating to the Honor Code have been assembled here.

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