New club pep rally is approaching

Oct. 29, 2003, midnight | By Shewit Woldu | 21 years, 4 months ago

Diva Dancers get their second chance

A new club 40-minute pep rally designed to recognize clubs as well as performing dance groups will be held on November 21 in the gym.

Performances will include the Diva Dancers, Step Team, African Club, Hispanic Club, Urban Dance Movement, and the Indian club.

"This will give all the performing groups an opportunity to perform in front of their peers," said Principal Phillip Gainous. "I think it's a great idea."

Last year after the divas dancers expressed anger over their exclusion from sports pep rally, Gainous approached Diva Dancers coach Kristin Lacovaro and proposed the idea of a dance pep rally. She then recommended expanding the pep rally into a club pep rally.

The Diva Dancers are ecstatic that they will be able to entertain Blair again, and wanted the other clubs to feel just as happy as them. "The Diva Dancers were excited about the prospect of having a time to show their spirit in front of the school," said Lacovaro as well as the organizer of the club pep rally. "[The Diva Dancers] felt left out last year when we got taken out, and we did not want the other clubs to feel that way so we asked for their participation."

This new club pep rally resolves last year's problem of Divas not getting an opportunity to perform in front of the whole school. "It's not because we didn't want the Divas to perform at the pep rally. We just wanted the pep rally to be more about the teams and not the performance so we decided that we would have a performance pep rally where the clubs and the performance groups could be highlighted," said Assistant Principal Linda Wanner.

Lacovaro feels that students will gain more appreciation for their school after the club pep rally. "Seeing the cultural differences at the new club pep rally in all the clubs, whether they have dancers or not, will give students and outsiders a peek at Blair's combination of spirit and diversity," said Lacovaro.

Lacovaro hopes that students approach the club pep rally with lots of enthusiasm for sake of future pep rallies. "Come with a good attitude because if people keep on looking down on pep rallies then were not going to have anymore," said Lacovaro.

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