Netmen beat Watkins Mill

April 30, 2004, midnight | By Anthony Glynn | 20 years, 10 months ago

Boys' tennis beats Watkins Mill 7-0

Coming back from the 5-2 loss just two days ago, the boys' tennis team had a huge victory over Watkins Mill today, beating them 7-0. With the Blazer's strong lineup and consistent improvement, the Blazers finished their season with an 8-4 record and many good chances at county titles next week.

All the Blazers had noticeably good games. Singles players Gordon Su and Michael Price won their matches 6-2, 6-1 and 6-1, 6-0 respectively. The doubles teams followed their lead when Eric Su with Max Gibiansky and Andy Jiang with Michael Tsai won their matches 6-0, 6-2 and 6-2, 6-2 respectively.

The match today was "no real challenge" for the Blazers, believed Price. Watkins Mill wasn't in the same division as Blair, and most Blazers said that they were hardly on the same level of play.

For preparation for the county competitions next week, many Blazers will be focusing their practices on individual weaknesses. Price plans to work on serving his second serve deep while Eric Su will work specifically on volleys. Gordon Su expected that most of the Blazers will just do fitness training and try to get their mental game up to speed. He also stated "the team is there. We're just not executing. We are playing tentatively."

Many of the Blazers feel that the work the tennis team has put into their practices has really paid off. Many Blazers thought they would struggle with many teams of the Division I teams, a prediction that turned out to be true as they lost to four of the six D-I teams they played.

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