Muhammad sentenced to death

March 9, 2004, midnight | By Vivek Chellappa | 21 years ago

Judge declares Muhammad's acts as 'vile'

This is not original reporting. All information was taken from the Associated Press and The Washington Post.

Convicted sniper John Allen Muhammad was sentenced to death on Tuesday by Judge LeRoy F. Millette Jr. for the murder of Dean Harold Meyers outside a gas station.

A jury convicted Muhammad on Nov. 17 for capital murder and recommended that Muhammad be executed.

Muhammad still maintains that he was not involved with the 10 fatal shootings that paralyzed the Washington area in late 2002, according to the Associated Press. "Just like I said at the beginning I had nothing to do with this, and I'll say again, I had nothing to do with this," Muhammad said on Tuesday.

Accomplice John Lee Boyd Malvo, who claimed that he was brainwashed by the older Muhammad, will be sentenced to life-in-prison on Wednesday, according to Associated Press reports.

Muhammad's lawyers are planning on appealing the capital murder sentence asserting that the prosecution never proved Muhammad pulled the trigger for any of the murders. However, the judge agreed with the prosecution's argument that, according to Virginia law, the death penalty can be applied to someone who is "the instigator and moving spirit" of a murder.

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Vivek Chellappa. As Vivek beings his final year in Blair, several new hobbies draw his attention: his passion for standup comedy and making lists with only one real piece of information. Vivek has recently developed a strong liking for the works of Mitch Hedberg, Dave Chapelle and … More »

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