Mid-year reports: instructions for seniors

Feb. 11, 2003, midnight | By Annie Peirce | 22 years, 1 month ago

For seniors, another stage in the college admission process has arrived: the mid-year report. Mid-year reports are used by colleges to confirm that applying students are continuing to do well. Not all colleges require mid-year reports, but for those that do, students must hand in envelopes and forms to the counseling office before March 1. The registrar's office typically sends out envelopes within a day or two of when students turn them in.

According to counselor Melba Battle, college admission staffs are primarily concerned about reports showing a drop in GPA. However, says Battle, reports showing an improved GPA can potentially move a student from a position of pending to acceptance.

A copy of the counseling office's announcement found on the front door of the guidance office is reprinted below.

1) Address a standard business envelope to each college that you want a report sent. We must ask that you complete the full and correct address. We are unable to check addresses.

2) Write you NAME ONLY in the upper left corner of the envelope. DO NOT WRITE your home/return address. We will stamp the envelope with the Blair return address.

3) Enclose any report forms that the college has sent you that you want sent with the mid-year report.

4) Put a 37 cent stamp on the envelope. If the report you are sending is more than one page, is bulky, or is in an oversize envelope, put a 60 cent stamp on the envelope.

5) If you have completed more than one envelope, put a clip or rubber band around the envelopes and bring them to the COUNSELING OFFICE during student lunch or before or after school and PUT THEM IN THE DESIGNATED FILE BOX. The box is commonly to the right of the door when entering the office. Please submit all your mid-year requests at the same time.

6) Do not leave envelopes outside the window or on the secretary's counter. Make sure you put envelopes in the file under the first letter of your last name.

7) There is no additional transcript for a mid-year report to be sent, only the postage.

8) Make your requests before March 1.

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Annie Peirce. Annie Peirce is a senior in the Communications Arts Program and the public relations manager for Silver Chips. She is also an opinions editor for Silver Chips Online. She was born on October 25, 1984, in a hospital somewhere in Prince George's County; but doesn't … More »

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