MCPS and AFI to hold Brown vs. Board ceremony

May 17, 2004, midnight | By Seema Kacker | 20 years, 10 months ago

Event to include film, discussion and guest speakers

MCPS and the American Film Institute (AFI) will hold a commemorative ceremony at 7:00 p.m. on May 17 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Brown vs. Board of Education decision. Attendees will include Superintendent Jerry D. Weast and County Executive Doug Duncan.

The event, called Transition to Phase II, will take place at the AFI in downtown Silver Spring and will include film exhibitions and discussion forums. According to AFI Assistant Director Michelle Brown, the evening will involve a viewing of the movie Separate But Equal, followed by a panel discussion of the film including a National Public Radio reporter and a Georgetown University Law professor.

"Phase II" refers to the second section of a long-term, county-wide effort to observe the court decision and address current race issues in schools. Phase I, titled "The Countdown to Brown" lasted from November 2003 to May 17, 2004. During this phase, schools were directed to organize activities and events to promote diversity. Phase II will begin on May 18, 2004 and continue this kind of education.

Admission to the event is by reservation only. For more information, contact MaryKay Able-Grapsas at (301)279-3364.

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Seema Kacker. Seema is a senior in the magnet this year, and is thrilled to be a part of the Online senior staff. She also plays tennis. More »

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